6 week check, contraception and a little embarrassing question


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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That was 6 weeks yesterday since I gave birth, I stopped bleeding about 3 weeks after birth, I have now started bleeding again but it looks black on sanitary towel and not much like its a discharge but when I wipe it's blood, is that normal after having a baby?

Also, I'm booked in for my 6 week check on Friday with the doctor, what exactly happens at our 6 week check? Someone told me that you get an internal to make sure everything is back to normal, is this true?

Also, ever since giving birth, my clit has felt strange, like I dont have as much feeling in it now and sometimes it feels like the hoods pulled back from my clit and its uncomfy (that's the only way to describe it...sorry). Has anyone else had this? I thought it was just swelling but everything must be back to normal by now surely? ,,,,

Also, I had a 2nd degree tear inside and got stiched, when my partner and I are having foreplay and having sex it feels really uncomfy at times where I have to tell him to stop, is that normal 6 weeks after birth ? Same with when we are having sex, it's sore/extremely uncomfy when he goes right in ???

As for the contraception.. i'm thinking of the implant,, is it any good?
I'd like to know alot of this stuff aswell as i have mine tomorow.
Im not the best person to say that the implant is good seeing as i concieved on the implant so woul dnever recomend it ! x
lol doesnt give me much hope, dont think i could handle falling pregnant only 2 months after having my first lol x
I've never had an internal after birth but in my area postnatal checks were stopped about 5 years ago. I think if u mention feeling a bit uncomfy down there the doc will tell u to have more sex!! It helps relax and stretch everything xx
I can only help you with the internal question... They've never given me an internal after birth so they prob won't give you one.
After giving birth to my daughter, sex was very uncomfortable for me for about a year. I had problems with her birth though so it could've been down to that!
Try to relax and plenty of lube!!
6 weeks is still early to be having sex hun, it will probably take a few months before you feel back to normal down there :hug: I didn't get an internal, I actually had my check up at home, she asked did I have any stitches down there etc, how I was coping, did I feel depressed etc it's pretty general.. I have the implant a year in May, I haven't had any problems apart from weight gain x
At my check they literally just asked me if everything was ok and do u have any concerns or worries!
11 works after giving birth I still can't have full on sex, it literally makes my eyes water when he gets so far in :( Im really starting to doubt if I'll ever have sex again!
As for my love button, it's a bit weird can't really explain the feeling but sometimes when I'm standing up or I've just been for a wee it kind of aches, like somethings pulling on it. It's weird and still don't know what's causing that :(
The first period after giving birth can be really really heavy so the bloody will look darker or even black, should lighten up in a few days though (just going by own experience).
ant really answer your other qns but ihave the implant. i had it in in november and im getting it out again. i cannot lost weight. i lost a stone and half in the first 6 weeks after J was born (obviously that was because i had a baby outta me as well as losing weight) and now my weight is back up to where it was a few weeks before he was born which i put down to the implant. i also never stopped bleeding on it so they put me on the pill, so now i take the pill and have the implant until its removed! however i 'dont want anymore accidents do i!?' as they kindly told me! x
At my check they literally just asked me if everything was ok and do u have any concerns or worries!
11 works after giving birth I still can't have full on sex, it literally makes my eyes water when he gets so far in :( Im really starting to doubt if I'll ever have sex again!
As for my love button, it's a bit weird can't really explain the feeling but sometimes when I'm standing up or I've just been for a wee it kind of aches, like somethings pulling on it. It's weird and still don't know what's causing that :(
The first period after giving birth can be really really heavy so the bloody will look darker or even black, should lighten up in a few days though (just going by own experience).

That's good, i've had enough of showing my lady bits lately lol ! Yeah it's sore when he goes right in, guess that's just cos everything's still tender. What you've wrote about "your love button" lol , that's exactly how mine is, was thinking something was wrong, but guess if you're experiencing it then it must just be normal and dissapear eventually (i hope lol).Yeah the period looked black, but it's red now, thank god, i thought something was wrong! Anyway, I go see my dr tommorrow for my check so will say about certain things when i'm there. My wee boy had his 6 week check today, everythings fine and he's healthy, so that's good. I'm happy !
As for my love button, it's a bit weird can't really explain the feeling but sometimes when I'm standing up or I've just been for a wee it kind of aches, like somethings pulling on it. It's weird and still don't know what's causing that :(

Ahhh thank goodness its not just me!!!Was starting to think they broke it when lil man was forcepped out xxx

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