5 weeks pg but alot of cramps??


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
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hi girls, so glad to be in this section now and thought all my scrutinising would stop now!! not so lucky!

i am 5 weeks pregnanct, and i am getting what i could only describe as af cramps, radiating to top of legs. went to doc and she told me quite bluntly that it may be a miscarriage on way! i have had no blood, just discharge. i read up on the net and some say it quite normal so i am totally confused. had 3 kids already and i know i didnt have cramps wi them but i am alot older now so not sure what to think? any advice appreciated...i just sat and cried all night last night! xx
I had quite a lot of cramping around that time, not unbearable, just like af and I was told that this is nothing but normal, if it's not unbearable pain or blood you should be just fine! How rude, I can't believe a doctor would say soimething just like that xx
I've had the same, i phoned the doctors who gave me the number for the early pregnancy unit, so i phoned them and they were able to give me a scan that morning. They were really lovely and there wasnt anything wrong. I think sometimes it's just your body adjusting in different ways, although it's pretty terrifying when you dont know whats going on.

If you google 'early pregnancy units' and click the first link, you'll be able to find your nearest one somewhere in there.
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i have had the same lovely cramp pains, odd pains in my legs and strong back pains!!! its such a worry but fingers crossed its everything just getting ready xx
Hello, this is my 4th pregnancy, ive carried 2 boys successfully and had a m/c back in December, ive had cramping, back pain, funny sharp pains in my groin, belly button pain and tops of my legs radiating to my knee (weird) which i am told is all normal i had similar pains with my second son and remember panicing then, however when i had the m/c the pains were completely different alot stronger inbetween period and contraction pains and they came like contractions i had to breath through them and lots of blood, so if they just feel like period cramp pains and a little bit uncomfortable im sure your fine, and when i went to my doc when i was pregnant with my second son he told me the same that i might be having a miscarriage but i didnt so dont listen to your doctor!!!

Good Luck huni sending you lost of sticky dust x x x x
hey first of all congratulations! :)

Those cramps are normal. when I found out I was pregnant I remember having cramps down my groins and tops of legs and in my pelvis area and found mself searching for answers online! Obviously you get allot of diffeent responses, and now im nearly 12 weeks and everything is fine and now can help you by saying its normal :)..

I'm getting the same feelings at the moment Kaz... trying not to worry but, like you, i am concerned... Im sure we are ok, safety in numbers and all that...
I read an article (will look for it again) about the hormones released during pregnancy, and I think relaxin is the one responsible for this. Im not saying it is only happening to those of us who have been pregnant before, but it appears more common if this is the case. I suppose the body just knows what to do, or is maybe not fully recovered (they say it can take 2 years+ for the body to fully recover from birth). and perhaps some of us have higher levels of relaxin being released, or are more receptive to it than others.

Best thing is just to take it easy and follow doctors orders not to do any power lifting lol (if muscles are softened, you are more prone to an injury)


As the time of birth approaches in some animals (e.g., pigs, rats) , this polypeptide has been found to:
  • relax the pubic ligaments
  • soften and enlarge the opening to the cervix.
Relaxin is found in pregnant humans but at higher levels early in pregnancy than close to the time of birth. Relaxin promotes angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and in humans it probably plays a more important role in the development of the interface between the uterus and the placenta that it does in the birth process.

Source: (http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/S/SexHormones.html )
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I think the main thing is that there's no blood, which is always a good sign.

All the best!
Hi im 5 wks too and a lot of cramping. Its not umbearable just like af pain really. But I feel quite wet (sorry) I keep thinking im bleeding but im not its awful! Talked to freinds that have had babies and they say they had it in first few wk an its completely normal, but its a worry isnt it?! Ive got pain in tops of my legs a bit too! Im willing to go through any amount of pain to have this baby, but for someone just to tell me its ok. I spoke to doc and they said its normal and fine, but if any bleeding go and see them, so fingers crossed everythings ok and we are all in the same boat haha xx
hi thanks for all ur replies...well cramps subsided yest but this morning just after intercourse i had bright red blood..! we were really gentle so cant understand it, went to gynae and they said it will either lead to miscarraige or will just settle! no clots or anything and no pain. has anyone else had this? xx

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