5 days old


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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hi everyone im having a big problem with breastfeeding. i just had a little boy 5 days ago and was/am looking to breast feed. he done really well when was born and suckled for ages. then the next day he wasnt latching on properly and suckling for 5 mins then falling asleep then crying for more. then the next day it was a bit better and was told everything was fine. but saturday he cut one of my nipples and things got excrutiating so oh went to get formula and bottles. so was bottle feeding him saturday night till midday yesterday when i tried again but he kinda tore my nipple to the extent where he had a bit in his mouth. the thing is hell latch on properly but spit it out so its only the nipple. now im gonna try expressing but my breast have gone hard and painful. dont know what to do feel reallly bad because he keeps going for my brest and its heart breaking. has anything like this happened to anyone else? xx
Sound like his latch isn't quite right Hun, I would use nipple shields until your healed bait and then try different positions, go to a breastfeeding support group c
Agree with Fi, get some nipple shields and get in touch with a breast feeding support group asap, they are fantastic! They helped me so much when I had my LO and I would've given up without their support!
Thanx girls. I've got nipple shields but they seem too big for my nipples but is that normal. I did express today because i really want him to get at.least some of the nutrients. Theyve got a breastfeeding group tomorrow but my mw was meant to come today but she never So don't know if.she will tomorrow xx
Yeah they are suppose to be big, as your nipple matures it gtd much, much bigger x. Try and feed him as much as you can and don't bother with the formula x
Which shields have you got hun? I had some Avent ones that were flipping enormous, too big for LO's mouth and too big for my nips, but then MIL got me some Medela silicone ones from Boots - absolute godsend, really comfy and perfect size for LOs mouth - might be worth a try if yours are big ones
Get to the BFing support group hun, don't worry about the midwife. They are helpful, but not like the group. They might even come to you if you call them and tell them how much trouble you're having, they came to me when my son was born. xxxx
Yeah actually, to second Maria, I had a couple of breastfeeding support workers come see me, even after the midwives stopped they were happy to pop in any time and they were MUCH more useful than the midwife in terms of giving me practical help that I could do on my own. I think people (i.e. me!) forget how difficult bf is at first - the first couple of weeks were a nightmare looking back, I needed help getting LO latched on every time, it was uncomfortable and worried constantly - the help really get us sorted out.
Mine were from boots too My oh got them for me can't Remember which ones they are though . They are like double the size of my nipples though. The mw came about 5 and watched me feed and said he was latching on well. She also said to give the other breast a break will it heals and because we've been bottle feeding him it might take longer for him to feed as he's been given a bottle. Then he wanted feeding again when she left and my mum came back in but i don't feel comfortable doing it in front of anyone but my oh and was trying to cover myself up a bit but he started screaming loads like he was being attacked or something so got my oh to make him a bottle. Then he calmed down, so now I need to not do that but I hate when he starts screaming and goes bright red x
Nipple shields should help give your nipples a chance to heal, make sure you use lots of nipple cream as well-lansinoh (sp?) is the best and really helped my nipples.
Go to the bfing group - there should be support workers/mw and most importantly other mums of babies of all ages to help you.

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