5 day old sleep pattern


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I had my baby girl last thursday by csection and overall she is a really good baby and I'm recovering well however she seems to sleep for hourd through the daytime then its so hard to settle her at night. She falls asleep during feeding then the minute I put her down she wakes up and makes lots of noise with arms and legs flailing. This goes on in roughly 30 minute cycles throughout the night, no matter how many times Ibfeed her its the same thing over and over again. She is ebf and I'm starting tibget a bit worried as I'm so tired I'm starting to fall asleep while I'm feeding her and I dont want to drop her etc.

Anyone have any suggestions?x
How far away is the cot/crib from you at night? Babies can smell the milk so it might be that what is upsetting her. My daughter was in a snuz pod so when I was bf her she was happy as I was close to her. My niece had the same problem, as her cot was at end of bed she wasn't happy being so far away from mummy. They moved so she was right by mums side of the bed and that seemed to work. The routine will come in time with her sleepi g less in the day. good luck x
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If she is flailing her arms and legs it could be something like reflux. Laying her flat would make this worse. Have you tried raising one end of her crib/ basket slightly?

Also give her time. Babies of that age haven't learnt the difference between day and night. Good luck. X
Congratulations on your new arrival. It does take little ones a while to get into a routine. 5 days is very young. How long is your little girl sleeping between feeds during the day? I had a problem when my little girl was born where she was sleeping a lot between feeds. She lost quite a lot of weight in the first few days and I was advised to wake her every 2 hours to help her build up the strength to feed on the advice of the midwife. It also helped to improve my milk supply. If you have any concerns, your midwife will be all to happy to offer advice. Good luck. xxx
advice given to me when baby was very young to help with night-time sleeping:

put a muslin cloth with your milk on it in the crib so she has your smell nearby
don't look at baby during night time so she doesn't wake up and think it's playtime (probably relevant for a couple of weeks older)
make sure baby has both sides of milk before going back to bed - if she falls asleep then wake her up, e.g. by changing her nappy
I put down a soft blanket on the bed so the baby had something a lot more cosy to lie on than the plain sheet

I also used Ewan the Dream Sheep to help settle my baby

At this age night-feeding will stimulate you to produce more milk but I understand how hard it is to be woken that frequently. I still fall asleep while feeding baby as it's exhausting!

Completely normal newborn behaviour. All baby has known for 9 months is you, then we try and put them down on their own in the big wide world where they havnt got the reassurance and comfort that they're used to. I battled the same thing for the first week then did a lot of reading online and realised it's because I was trying to do what's so unnatural by puttin baby down on thir own. A monkey doesn't give birth then out their baby in the next tree! I read up safe cosleeping guidelines and life became a lot easier with everyone a lot happier and settled.
I would let baby fall asleep on you and give them a good 10-15 minutes so they get into a deep sleep before putting them down. Swaddling is also extremely effective, it mimics the squishyness of the womb.

I second putting a muslin with your smell on it in the Moses or crib, it'll really help!


Swaddling really helped my baby. And I would rock her to sleep before putting her down. A lot of people will say that's making life difficult for yourself further down the line but gradually I stopped rocking her to sleep and she started just going down in her cot. Now we just put her to bed when she's awake and she sleeps 12 hours!
What is she sleeping in? My lo didn't like his Moses basket and would rarely go in it for more than 20 mins. We had a space saver cot in the bedroom which he also didn't like - think it was too big and open for him. Will she sleep on the bed next to you? The reason I ask is that my lo would so I bought a Chicco next to me crib and most of the time he sleeps in that well. Placing a towel under the sheet in a U shape can also make the bed a bit cosier xx
Also it might be the transfer onto a cold sheet/cold blankets. You could try and warm the sheet a bit before transferring her. I put my lo's blankets on my legs under my duvet to warm them before I put them over him in his crib xx

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