5-6 wks pregnant and need some advice


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May 2, 2006
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Im 5-6 wks pregnant & i was bleeding slightly so i went for an early scan which showed the scan but have told me to come back in 10 days time for another scan i think for the heartbeat. Since last friday i had my scan i have been spotting since just comes and go but nothing heavy and was worried as i thought it was a miscarriage but was told its common and a miscarriage bleed is painful and heavy. I just am worried and dont wnt anything bad to happen but have been told to rest which i am doing, i just wanted to know if you had a miscarriage and id a pregnancy test would it show on there the exact result?
Hi hun,

I had my pregnancy confirmed today and then said not to worry if I get a bit of spotting, its only if you start passing clots that you should start to worry. Im sure all is fine hun, if you need to chat feel free to PM me and add me to messenger. When you due?

inever had this but my bf's ex when she was preg with his other daughter spotted the whole preg so dont worry.
Hi Destiny

Easier said than done but try not to worry too much. If you have a look at my posts from early July last year you will see I had bleeding on and off for a couple of weeks I think it was.

Just stay rested and relax and put your feet up - i firmly beleive it helped me and I am someone who normally rushes around, never stopping for anything. In fact 2 months before Heidi was due I fell down the stairs and broke my Coxcyx and everyone tells me that someone 'up there' made me do it deliberatley as it was the only way to slow me down! - She was in fact born almost 3 weeks early so its probably good that I had the fall otherwise I wouldnt of had any rest before she got here!

You take it easy - and rest up.

Keep us posted

L x
Dont worry too much hun, i had bleeding between 4 and 8 weeks i had 2 scans to check for heartbeat and growth, they said that the bleeding could be caused from abrasions on the cervix.

Hope everything goes ok for you x

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