Hi lovely pregnant ladies.
Just a quick word of warning - if you are considering a private 4D scan please, please do your homework and find a good sonographer. I am a Community Midwife and have had several very distraught and upset ladies in my clinic who have been to a private sonographer in the South East of England who did a very poor job and left them feeling very worried indeed about their babies. Upon checking this person out, we found that he had only done a two day course which is ridiculously inadequate. Most sonographers have undergone extensive degree-level or higher level training so ask to see qualifications before having your scan.
Like most things in life, a bargain is not always what it seems. These ladies paid around £75.00 for a 4D scan - the pictures were unclear and one baby looked as if it had a deformed face and despite mine and my colleagues reassurance left one lady very very upset. Please ask around and check out the company carefully. Also please be aware that although scans are considered safe, they are only usually done for medical reasons.
Just a quick word of warning - if you are considering a private 4D scan please, please do your homework and find a good sonographer. I am a Community Midwife and have had several very distraught and upset ladies in my clinic who have been to a private sonographer in the South East of England who did a very poor job and left them feeling very worried indeed about their babies. Upon checking this person out, we found that he had only done a two day course which is ridiculously inadequate. Most sonographers have undergone extensive degree-level or higher level training so ask to see qualifications before having your scan.
Like most things in life, a bargain is not always what it seems. These ladies paid around £75.00 for a 4D scan - the pictures were unclear and one baby looked as if it had a deformed face and despite mine and my colleagues reassurance left one lady very very upset. Please ask around and check out the company carefully. Also please be aware that although scans are considered safe, they are only usually done for medical reasons.