40+3 midwife app

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Well everything is fine which is good. Baby is still 3/5 engaged, lying LOA, bp was fine, wee was fine, heartbeat was 140-150bpm and so all is ok :)

My midwife is really lovely, she told me that she isn't on call this week but that if i go into labour to call her anyway and she'll see if she can get put on to be there with me :)
There was a lovely student midwife there too who will probably end up at my birth - i've ok'd this :)

I've got a sweep booked for a week today, but i think everyone is hoping it won't be needed!

Well anyway, that's my update, nothing exciting! But at least Sarah (gl) is getting somewhere!!! WOOO
glad everything is fine hun! :dance: hopefully you'll have had baby before next weeks appointment! xxx

iv got mine at 3.15 and im getting nervous now :?
Glad everything ok :D As long as baby happy thats all that matters :hug: xx
great news suzi, glad all is ok, lets hope baby appears before your appt nxt wk :pray:
Reading yours and beckys post is like reading the same one twice....lol.

Well i guess i better say the same again then, glad all is ok and i hope baby makes an appearance soon. xxx
happy it all went well sweetie hope you go into natural labour soon love
:dance: :dance: :dance:

love sarah :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I forgot to give you a poem, like my amazing poem for beckyJ :rotfl:

Your time to be evicted has passed
How long can this stand off last?
Your mummy's tummy wants to deflate.
Will you spend your life being so late?

Now take a deep breath and shove
We need a good effort, little love
Don't worry that it will cause mummy pain
'Cuz if you stay in there longer, she may go insane!

Come on bubs, you cant be much later
Make your exit out of mums fangita!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I think my poetry excellence has now surpassed itself :rotfl:
BeckyJ said:
u really are talented fuffins!

:oops: :rotfl:
You will piss yourself when I got an A in my GCSE English language assignment. Did an anthology of 30 poems and an original writing piece lol

I don't think I am any longer a threat to the world of poetry! :rotfl:

May write a book of amusing pregnancy poetry though :lol:

Watch out ladies... :lol:

Hope BabyBee likes her poem :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
THANKS!! I LOVE IT! I really hope she pays some attention!!!

I popped to the local shops after the doctors and bought a mug because it said 'I might be late, but i'm worth the wait' i just had to get it!
BabyBee said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
THANKS!! I LOVE IT! I really hope she pays some attention!!!

I popped to the local shops after the doctors and bought a mug because it said 'I might be late, but i'm worth the wait' i just had to get it!


My day of successfully harrassing people with my poetry is complete! :lol:

I can finally smile :D
your mw sounds lovely suzie :cheer:

glad everything went well today, but the little devil sounds far too comfy in there :lol: i reckon you should prod your tummy to annoy her, or eat something she really doesn't like?? :think: :rotfl:

i really enjoyed fuffins poem btw, that's one talented lady :wink: :rotfl:
sarafet said:
your mw sounds lovely suzie :cheer:

glad everything went well today, but the little devil sounds far too comfy in there :lol: i reckon you should prod your tummy to annoy her, or eat something she really doesn't like?? :think: :rotfl:

i really enjoyed fuffins poem btw, that's one talented lady :wink: :rotfl:

Stop taking the piss :lol:

I know you will be the first in line for a signed copy of my book :rotfl:
I'm keeping a very watchful eye on you now missy! :lol:

Glad everythings going ok xx :D
Glad to read that you've got a good midwife and that your appointment went well. Hope you get to meet your little one very very soon.

Great poem Fuffins - what a talent!
Are you lot all taking the piss??? :lol:

Aslong as it helps BabyBee lol....Like a mantra! :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

It did help a lot Sophie! It made me smile! :D

I read it to my OH and he was very impressed!

Let's hope it does the trick!!!

And thanks for the lovely comments everyone :)

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