4 year old speech


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I just read the post about the speech at 21 months. A friend of a friend's son is 4 years old in a couple of months. He doesn't speak at all. Just makes noises. I've seen the wee boy and he seems unable to form words, just grunting noises. The friend I know him through has a daughter of the same age and it is the opposite. You can literally sit and have a conversation with her.
I know my friend has tried to tell her friend about the speech but she seems to be in denial that her son has a problem. Is there any advice?
She needs to get him checked out becaus that is not normal, my nephew is 4 and you can have a conversation with him - it looks bad for her if she doesnt get him looked at.

If he has something wrong with him then he needs treatment now sooner rather then later.
That's totally abnormal and she desperately needs to seek help and stop wasting time. The child may have hearing problems or a social condition that needs treating. The longer she leaves it the more behavioural problems the child will have in the future. I'm surprised the child's school/nursery haven't got involved?
I don't really know the girl very well so I don't feel it is my place to say anything but my friend is trying to get to see that he needs to be seen by someone.

I don't know if this is related to it but he is very badly behaved. During one visit to my friends house, she gave him a bowl with some fruit in it and instead of eating it he smooshed it against the walls. His mum told him once 'don't do that' and then didn't say anything else.

I don't think she interacts with him often as she is usually leaving him and his younger brother (1 year old) with her parents to go out drinking. The father isn't around much as she is a bit weird about that. It is always on her terms, whenever it suits her really or when she needs money. He isn't really all there in the head. He has mild learning difficulties. Is there a chance the wee boy could be the same?

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