speech updated 6th august


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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My friend came over with her little girl emily on tuesday, she is 3 months younger than bradley and her speech is fantastic.. bradley turned 2 in june and cant say anything really.. well he says all gone! and thats it..

he can understand everything you say to him so im not overly worried, has anyone elses little ones been delayed in there speech!
Yes were having the same problem SSS, and they have usa booked into seeing all sorts of people and having different appointments.
He has to see speech therepist
Hearing specialist (as some speech problems can be associated with hearing)

and they are wanting him to do arts and crafts to bring out his creative side.so were doing that at the mo and waiting for these appointments.

Dont worry though fiona theres a year difference between our boys and bradley is only 2 mate and he has plenty of time to pick it up.
From what I've read, and seen (I'm a teacher), you don't really have to worry till they are a bit older. Some children will pick up speech and understand it but won't use it till well into their third year. Others will be chattering away at 13 months. They just develop at different paces, it doesn't mean that they are behind.

However, a good yardstick is your own gut feeling. If you are concerned, get your little boy an appointment. It may do nothing else other than to alleviate your concern, but everyone will feel much better about it and there won't be pressure on you or on the little lad.

Hope all goes well

paris was very slow, all use used to say was all gone too and mum - can't shut her up now though :rotfl:
well i just got bck from seeing bradleys consultant, and hes refering him to speach therapy.. get him to do some one to one and see if that will work with his speech, so hopefully before he has to go bck in 3 months he will be able to say a few more words if any :roll:
He'll be chattering away non stop before you know it! Isn't it great that you got him referred so early, so that he has more time to catch up? Have you been given intensive "homework" to do with him? That's the way it works here in Ireland, the mum and dad do loads of sheets and naming things and trying out one, two and three step requests and stuff. Enjoyable games.

You wait, he'll love going to speech therapy.

Jonah was late in speaking but he had 1000's of signs and noises. I took him to a specialist and the nursey got one to come to them. By the time they got round to giving us an appointment or coming out he could speak...and now he never shuts up. He does get word endings wrong a lot and I don't know why as he can make the sounds. I don't like correcting him too much as I don't want him to feel he's wrong. We just make sure that we say that word a lot so hopefuly he will pick it up.

We were told that it might be a result of his prematurity, weren't your boys early?
id savour it whilst it lasts, ella does nothing but talk from the moment she gets up until she goes to bed lol

Compared to some of the kids at playgroup, some younger than Isaac, Isaac's speech development seems slow. I'm not worrying about it because I stressed about all the other things I waited for him to do, roll over, crawl, eat solids etc and because I worried about them so much I didn't really enjoy his key stages as much as I should have. Isaac tends to say words once or twice then doesn't say them again. One day he said aeroplane twice and hasn't repeated it since! His main words are mamma, pappa, dadda, nanna, more and bugger :oops: (we try not to laugh) he actually says mugger so its not too bad :roll:

Lou :D

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