4 week old - is this normal?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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I'm a bit worried about my 4 week old baby, and am just after some reassurance. I've left a message on my health visitor's answerphone, so hoping she'll get back to me soon too.

Sprog is a brilliant sleeper at night - no problems at all there, he just wakes for feeds. Recently though, after a bad cold, he's ben really mucousy at night, snotty sounding which makes him wake up crying at times. We had a bad night last night with it.

Usually during the day he's up nearly all day, refuses to sleep in his moses basket and wants to be cuddled and fed. Yesterday he was attached to me nearly all day, which was a nightmare as I was trying to express ready for going out.

Today, however, he's done nothing but sleep. I've woken him up twice since 10, but he's only fed for ten minutes, and he's woken up once himself, cried, fed for ten minutes and fallen back asleep on the boob.

He's not over-warm, and there are no other signs of illness except for the snottiness (which doctor and HV have both told me is normal and just try saline drops), but this all day sleeping is really out of character, and not being able to get in touch with anyone's making me more nervous about it.

I know they can sleep a lot when they're having a growth spurt - could this be likely at 4 weeks? He was 7lb4oz when he was born, and 9lb last Friday, so he's putting weight on well. He's exclusively breast fed.

Thanks in advance :)
4 weeks is growth spurt stage. Cally slept loads, only woke to feed.If you are really worried call the HS direct,they willask you all sorts of questions and offer advice. 08 45 46 47.

let us know how you get on hun x
My daughter got a cold at 5 weeks. She's 7 weeks now and still got the snotty nose. The 1st night we only got an hours sleep in total. I spoke to my HV the next day and she advised me to roll up a towel or blanket and put it under her mattress in her moses basket to raise her head a little as babies don't like laying down when sick. And it helps with the mucus and they can get it out quicker. The other option she gave me was they can sleep in their bouncy chair. But i don't have 1 that is ideal for sleep in. The don't lay back enough to be comfortable.
With regards to the sleeping she's the same. On some days she sleeps all day only waking for a feed.
But i was told if i'm really worried to give HV a call back. Or there's a helpline number for the hospital if needed. So i wouldn't hesitate to keep trying if you're really worried.
There's not alot we can really do for them with a cold. Just ride it out. But any sudden, worrying changes in behaviour then call. I daren't leave Angel alone at the mo.

my son was the same with a snotty nose, we were given saline drops by hv they worked a treat, and also tilting his moses basket at one end with argos books helped loads so they are not too flat
My son has had cold/snots quite a few times and as he's had bronchilitis and Stridor in the past, I have always been told as long as he is eating and pooing/weeing then he will be fine! If he stops eating or becomes unresponsive/very drowsy (when awake) I would contact your Dr or NHS direct, who are great btw :)

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