4 months after m/c ... BFP!!

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Having done 6 preg tests [all very feint but +] and AF officially overdue today I am beginning to believe that I am actually pregnant!!

Very scared but very excited too.

I suppose I just have to be patient and have faith that what will be will be .. and hope that you guys all put up with my worrying and whining!!!

Baby Dust to all ttc. :wink:
HUGE congratulations! That's really fantastic news!
Hey Anna Marie, great to see you at last announcing your pregnancy. Well Done girl............... I am very happy for you, sit back, relax and enjoy and most of all.....DO NOT WORRY.
All my love
Jacqui. x x x x x x
Glad it's official at last! Congratulations Anna Marie.

If we all club together we should be able to afford to wrap you in cotton wool the next 9 months. Wishing you a happy and healthy time.

Hope I will be able to join you at some point!



congratulations... wishing you healthy and happiness for the next 9 months

I'm so pleased for you Anna Marie and really hope all goes well for you! Congratulations!!!!! :D
Ive not been on for a while and Ive just read your post. All I can say is CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so pleased for you. After what happened to you this is the greatest news ever! :lol:

Dont worry about whinging and whining that is what we are all here for!
We can take it!

Once again! well done!!!!

L x
CONGRATULATIONS!!! (again) You really deserve this after all the things you've had to go through. Lots and lots of love and hugs to you, Sam xx
Thanks so much everyone, you are all so lovely and so supportive.. its great to know you are all here to share it with!!

I am taking each day as it comes and just hoping for the best.

LucyBee ... where have you been? I remember chatting to you back when I m/c in August.. how are you?????????? Are you ttc again? let me know how its going x

Lisa31.. wow doesn't time fly.. how are you??

Hope to chat to you all again.. well more like I will probably wine and moan to you again sometime soon xx
Hi Anna Marie,
Well...I'm still here. Don't visit as often as I used to but do check in to see how everyone's getting on!
We're still TTC and I'm getting very down about the fact that I'm not pregnant again yet.
Your BFP has given me hope!
L xxx
Hey Lucy,

don't get down.. it will happen for you as it did earlier this year.. are you charting?
How are your cycles now?

Mine were very weird since m/c in August but probably more because of the polyp they found and the irregularities with my cervix.. I used to be 28 days now I am 24 - 25 max so charting helped me work out when I ovulate etc and so could time BD ... I was very depressed especially when I was constantly in and out of the hospital for examinations and stuff for the polyp / cervical issues - and even now I have my BFP I am not over the moon because I am so petrified.. I am expecting the worst all the time and so all I can say is the longer it is you have to wait the better you will be to cope physically and emotionally too. Sometimes our bodies know what is best for us - at least you can concieve.. it just was not the right time... I know its cliche and not very helpful but it is the first step!

Hang in there :wink:
CONGRATULATIONS honey!!!!! :D Happy and healthy nine months!! Late summer 2006 baby so good time to have it!!!

Lucybee - keep the faith honey it took me 17 months!!!!! You WILL get there (provided your BDing tho) LOL!

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