4 month old...started to wake up during night?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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Im bf-ing my son and thought we had really got the hang of it, but since he's gone past the 4 month mark he's started to wake up more during the night, about 3 times...worse days its 4, I cant understand why, I feed him on demand and he was sleeping throughout the night at one point. Ive started him off on a few spoons of cereal (mixed with BM) cos I thought my milk wasnt enough but it hasnt made a difference, could it be teething? or does he need more solids? Im dying for a good nights sleep!
Sorry, I haven't no advice cos I only have a really bad expierence of this. Hope you get it sorted soon! :D
It could be a growth spurt. Jake had started sleeping through the night and at about 4 1/2 months old he started waking in the night for a feed. I thought about weaning but I put it off and then after a couple of weeks he stopped waking. I read that baby's have growth spurts every now and again which makes them more hungry but that it should pass within a week or two. I actually ended up weaning Jake when he was 5 1/2 months old. If you think it could be teething and your LO seems in pain, has flushed cheeks or is dribbling more then you could try using some teething gel to see if it helps.
The first thing I thought of was that he's probably hungry, teething could be a contributory factor tho. Your could try giving him more solids (maybe some pureed fruit & veg) throughout the day & see what happens?
not sure if you have thought of this? but is he cold in the nights? charlotte used to wake a lot at the end of summer when she was in her 1st year, i guessed she was cold and got ehr a sleeping bag thing, she slept tight from then. also when are you feeding him the baby rice? try about 6-7pm, so his tummys nice and full for bed time, and then a feed if thats how u get him to sleep..good luck xx
Thx for the gr8 advice guys! :hug:
I actually did what lisa suggested, gave him cereal around 7pm and he only woke up once! which was great...now I feel guilty for starting him on cereal..if its a growth spurt and would have passed maybe I shoulda stuck it out? :oops:
my DD did this and i started weaning her when she did, even if it is a growth spurt hun weaning him and giving him some cereal will help with growing, it wont do any harm. all babies are different and need weaning at different stages. glad he is sleepn better for you now.

Alex was really bad a few weeks ago, think it was a cross of growth spurt and him being a bit chilly at night. I tried him with solids a few times between 18-21 weeks, he probably took them about 3 times but it didn't make any difference to his sleeping. Now he wears a sleepsuit and has a grow bag at night (1 tog), feeds til 8pm then sleeps til 3, feeds for half hour (he's ravenous at 3) and sleeps til 7. He feeds loads in the day and is getting ready for solids but still doesn't seem quite properly ready yet. All babies are different though. And even though you've started solids it doesn't mean you have to continue, if you think it's just a growth spurt and that you can ride it out then it's ok to stop :)

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