3D/4D scans?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Hi, just wondering a couple of things about these scans that are advertised everywhere, can anybody help?

i want to know:

1.whats the difference between 3d and 4d? :oops:
2.are they worth the money?
3.what happens? whats it like?
4.would you recommend it?
5.whens the best time to have it done

ive looked a little into it on the internet but there are so many companies offering it, i thought id best see if anyone has had it done and what your experience was?
let me know, thanks very much.

Never had oen but i would defiently do it if you have the money ive seen them and they are in such detail its amazing
I had my 3d scan at 27 weeks and it was amazing. I still look at the pictures and watch the dvd now. You can tell that the baby in the scan is Thea, its such an amazing thing, i knew what my daugter looked like before i met her! If you can afford it then do it! You wont regret it.
Because Thea was breech and kept putting her feet or hands in her face i got my whole package for £50 and i have some brilliant photos of her face just not a full frontal view without a hand in the pic lol. It should have cost £150 and to be honest i'd have still paid that for what i have!
I used www.babyview.co.uk
Hi hun.

I had a 4d when i was 27 weeks pregnant and it was great and well worth the money. They call it a 4d as you see the baby moving on screen in colour and 3d is just pictures in colour.

Mine cost £150. I did have to go back twice tho which was a bonus as baby was playing up first time. Cord kept going in her face so we couldn't get any good pics. Second time round we got some great pictures of her.

They say the best time is to go between 27 to 32 weeks as they fit more on the screen.

Plus its just like having a normal ultrasound. I was in there for an hour.

Here's a pic of her,
Prices seem to vary a lot depending on who is doing the scan. I have had a quote of £95 from a local company. It might pay to shop around.
oh so now is the bset time , grr gonna kill my fiance when he gets in from work later :lol: i cancelled the appt for june cause he said is it worth paying £75 when babys will be here in 2months odd
I had a 4D scan done at 27 weeks it was definately worth it.Mine cost £95 . When he was born i could recognise him from scan esp chin and nose.
It was also really beneficial for my DH as for him it didn't seem real till he saw 4D scan and he was much more excited about the pregnancy and more concerned about the LO after the scan .
I would recommend anyone who can afford it to have it done.
We went to http://www.babyview.co.uk/about.asp and we would recommend them to anyone, although they only scan up to 29weeks, as after that it's more difficult to get good pics as baby is so big and squashed up to placenta etc The scan itself was about 20mins, and we got over 40 pics on disc, plus a 15min DVD and 2 photographs :)
I've just booked mine for 19th May! :dance: I'm doing it as a surprise for my OH. :clap:

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