38 week MW appointment today - questions?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
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I have just come back from my 38 week MW appt. 2 weeks ago I had proteins and leucocytes in my urine for which I had given a sample in the hospital for further checkups. Today I was told the result was abnormal but no action was needed.

Today's urine sample had 4 pluses for protein and lots of leucocytes. So the MW went and spoke with the doctor to check what to do next - came back and said we need to send in another sample to the hospital for checkup. I have just dropped off another sample but am worried now - what does this mean?

I was asked if I had felt anything odd and I havent, I have no burning, no itching, no fever - just urinating a lot which she put down to baby being engaged. Right foot swelling for the past 2 months but that is put down to baby positioned in a particular way causing some swelling. BP is normal. Always comes up at 120/70.

Above all this I was told expect a late delivery? How do they all know that? They seem pretty certain about it. Anyone had high proteins and leucocytes this late in pregnancy and nothing to worry about with baby etc? :?
I got a couple of samples showing protein and white blood cells last month and was asked to submit further samples all of which turned out inconclusive. My midwife asked me to make sure when i was doing my sample that I have washed myself and used mid stream wee instead of just peeing straight into the bottle. Ever since doing it this way I have had totally clean samples. It turns out the increased discharge was getting into the wee sample and screwing up the results - I just used to put the pot under and try and wee in it from the start. Not sure whether that night help :) Other than that the absence of any other symptoms is a good sign. Your bp is normal and the lack of swelling is encouraging. Hopefully your new sample will show something (or nothing) so they know what action to take :hug:

As for telling you to expect a late delivery :think: I wonder if they do that to prepare you just in case. I'm sure they are guessing though, there is no way for them to know.

Hope all was ok other than that :D :hug:
Thanks Mildly - Yes all else was ok...

With the urine sample I have also peed straight into the bottle. Even with the hospital sample I have just given I have done the same..so if thats whats bringing dodgy results then all will be ok...

EVerything has gone okayish so far touchwood so seeing this worried look from the MW does not help me relax in the final days leading up to birth..yikes...
Aww hopefully that's what is tainting the results then :D With my worst sample results I had ++ on protein and white blood cells but like I say, all has been well since I changed my 'procedure' :D It doesn't help when midwives look worried though, especially at this stage :hug:

Glad all else was ok, and I'm sure you're going to beat me going into labour :D
Hun, they told me I'd be early... She's sitting happy in there and I'm due today - Ignore them! MWs/docs can never be sure when their patient's baby will arrive... They can not predict the future, they're probably going by "most 1st babies are overdue" and that's ALL they are going by - I bet!

I have no idea about the protein etc, just make sure you chase for results as they took ages to get my bloods back to me :hug: xxx
dont know if I will beat you to labour but I am getting really impatient from today, I dont know why. Maybe its because they kind of added on another 2 weeks to my head for due date?

I know what you mean dannii..maybe they are just preparing me - coz first babies are almost always late...

with the bank holiday they did say results will not get back to docs till friday which is a bummer but I am sure if there was something up they would be first to ring up.

Next urine sample I am definately changing the process mildly...maybe thats what the whole problem is - you would think they'd maybe have told me about this...it would be much cheaper for themto tell me this than keep on sending urine samples to the lab...aah well

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