37 weeks = full term!

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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i was reading through my pregnancy book last night and read that they class 37 weeks as full term!
so this means it could be anything from next week on! :shock:
That's interesting, in France they class 42 weeks as full term, it's 41 in America and 40 in the UK (usually) where was your book written/published?
this website i go onto says it too www.babycentre.com
At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term; a baby born before 37 weeks is pre-term and after 42 is post-term.)
Yeah i have been told that they class your baby as full term from 37 weeks.

But they calculate your due date as 40 weeks. And anything from 37-42 is considered normal.

According to my midwife and antenatal classes.

Mine says 37 too, but i class full term as 40 weeks standered. :D

I think they say 37 weeks cos by then the baby can be born safely with no problems and can breath on their own (obviously different for everyone and there are exceptional circumstances too :D )
My mw at antenatal class last week said 37 weeks is considered full term as baby can come anytime from them on. Also generally at 37 weeks the baby's lungs are devoloped which is what they call it term.
its quite scary really to think in that case it could happen anytime from next week :shock:
Just back from seeing my midwife. She's confirmed the 37 week thing and said you can only have a homebirth from 37 weeks onwards so makes sense I suppose. Interesting though, I'd have said 40 weeks was full term....so if it's 37 then I could only have 5 weeks to go!!! :cheer: :cheer:
It happened for me :D

I was told 37 weeks is classed as full term also but generally we do consider 40 weeks full term.

Good luck and make sure that hospital bag is packed :D
i had my girl at 37 weeks exactly.. my waters broke 36 + 5 but she was born 37 weeks exactly..and we went home the next day..would have gone home that day if they'd have let me.. she had no problems.. totally healthy and was 7lb 10 if she had gone another 3 weeks shed have been about 57 stone..lol..it will come when its ready

Yup 37 weeks is full term here too!!
40 weeks is just full term by your due date
Ok, that does it - I am now full term! and i want little Anaïs out NOW, NOW, NOW!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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