37 weeks and impatient!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Hi Girls,

Just been to see midwife and baby's sitting over brim but free!! I'm so fed up now just want to meet my baby. Does anyone know when the head should engage? can it just suddenly happen or is it a long process?

Feel like i've been pregnant forever.

Hope your all well.

M xx
Evie is my first and she wasn't engaged until I went into labour. I had her at 38+4 so just because baby isn't engaged doesn't mean you'll be waiting forever! enjoy your free time while you can- I didn't realise how much time I had to myself until now! :lol:
Thats sounds uplifting!! Congrats on your wee bundle. Will I kknow when baby engages? What other signs did you have?

M xx
:rotfl: I didn't know I was in labour until I was 6cm! I thought I just had back ache from where I'd fallen down the stairs a few weeks ago...!

Looking back though I spent the few days prior to my labour nesting. And I had my show about 12 hours before she was born :)
Gosh!! I'll look out for the show then....... How's your wee baby? Are you breastfeeding? Cant decide if I'm going to.

M x
Yes- I'm struggling with it but keeping going. Give it a try- its brill for the baby AND does you good too. The ladies in Feeding section are fab support :wink: :lol: :clap:
It will all be over soon hun and you will be holding your lovely new baby soon! My little Jessy was engaged from 36 weeks and I still didn't have her til 40+2 I really thought she was gonna be early but she seemed to like it in there :D Good Luck hun and inforabumpyride congrats! xxxxx
im 37wks and also want to meet baby now :x im soooooo impatient

midwife is droppin my home birth kit in l8r so im gonna ask her to check to see if im engaged any
I just felt a lot of pressure down there and sudden shooting pains when walking when my baby started to engage - but she remained at 3/5 engaged from 37 weeks right through to when I was 6cm dilated and examined then!
Im v nearly 38 weeks..... i am getting so impatient now coz i had my 1st baby at 38 weeks and my 2nd at 36 weeks so i dont know what its like to go much further lol.

Neither of mine engaged b4 my labour started n this baby hasnt engaged at all so far.

i have a growth scan on friday to check baby is still growing as theres been no change in fundal height for 6 weeks so i will find out whats goin on then!!! :)
midwife told me he wasn't engaged last tueday when i was 37 weeks either but i have my 39 week app. next week so fingers crossed he's budged down abit. he's getting way to big to be staying so high up!!
My LO engaged quite early about 28 weeks i think :think: but can't really remember but it was my first baby :hug: :hug:

I think some babies don't engage until labor starts :)
midwife checked me yesterday and i was 3/5 engaged, on friday i was 4/5 engaged so at least im moving in the right direction

do you think this could mean something might happen soon or is it just wishful thinking :pray:

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