36 weeks pregnant and going to Suffolk this weekend - am I mad?!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Hi! Hope you are all well.

Well the title says it all really! I live in Surrey and my parents live in Suffolk (about 2 hours, 15 mins drive away with no traffic) and we made plans for my husband and I to go and see them for 3 days from tomorrow evening ages ago. I don't think I really appreciated at the time that we put this in our diaries that I would be turning 36 weeks pregnant today! Now I'm really panicking about the fact that the baby might decide to come early when I'm in Suffolk! I mean, obviously I'll take my hospital notes and the hospital bag just in case but the thought of possibly having to give birth in a different hospital so far from home fills me with dread! I really wish I hadn't agreed to going there so close to my due date now but it's Father's Day on Sunday and I know how much my parents are looking forward to seeing me so I don't feel that I can let them down! Does everyone think I'm mad?!
I think as long as you take your notes and bag you should go and enjoy yourselves and the break. If you did go into labour I'm sure you would be well looked after and more likely than not you wont and then you might regret cancelling xx
Thanks Jodied - I'm sure you're right and I shall try and stay calm over the next few days! But if I get any pre-labour symptoms like losing my mucous plug or anything like that I'm coming straight home!!
I'm sure you will be fine, try not to worry about it, just take your notes etc. Most women hold on til after 37 weeks. A girl I worked with decided to go on a course in London at 38 weeks (I'm in Scotland) on her own and ended up having baby down there on her own! That was mad! Her hubby had to fly down and drive her and baby home a couple of days later! Least your only a couple of hours away as well so could come back home if you get a show or anything. Have a nice weekend x
My fella is worrying about me picking my mum up from the airport!! We live about 30 mins drive on a good clear run and about an hour in traffic!! Il be 38 weeks then! I was like don't be silly and if I was to go in labour I'm sure I'd have time to get her and get home as baby's don't usually just pop out suddenly lol!!
My fella is worrying about me picking my mum up from the airport!! We live about 30 mins drive on a good clear run and about an hour in traffic!! Il be 38 weeks then! I was like don't be silly and if I was to go in labour I'm sure I'd have time to get her and get home as baby's don't usually just pop out suddenly lol!!

Would make our life a lot easier if they did just 'pop' out lol!
You'll be fine hun :) I'm planning on going to cheltenham with my brass band at 37 weeks lol And my midwife said as long as I take my notes and I'm comfortable enough to travel then I should be fine :) x
As others have said, take your bag and notes and enjoy yourself :) We've just booked a short break to London when I'm going to be 37 weeks, and I can't wait!

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