Hi everyone,
thanks for your advice! will try all of the above!! Going to buy a different ball as the one I have is too small for me, spotted a 75cm one in Argos which will hopefully be more comfortable. I can only sit on mine for about 15 minutes before it gives me back ache at the minute and my pelvis is lower than my knees which is apparently a bad thing! (I am stupidly tall!)
V - the sonographer wouldn't say anything, she was horrid, so will ask the midwife today about the exact position but from the agonising kicks I have been getitng for the past week or so I would say feet down.. I physically jump and scream when it does it - absolutely kills!
I did some reading up on vaginal breach births yesterday and it sounds horrendous so I would probably elect to have a c-section if it comes to it anyway. All the literature says they give you a c-section strength epidural as standard incase of complications which I really do not fancy trying to give birth through!! I have been mentally preparing myself for the prospect of a c-section for 16 weeks anyway due to the low placenta so it does not worry me too much.
We are currently planning to go to the day part of my brother's wedding, so we will drive down in the morning and leave after the dinner at about 8pm. Not exactly going to be boogying in the disco all night and I think about 4 hours will be my limit in terms of comfort and ability to smile through all the opinions and comments everyone is bound to have. My DH drives a lot for his job so he is very used to 7-8 hours driving in a day and is happy to do it. We have NCT the night before and the day after as well which we don't want to miss.
The reflexology sounds interesting.... I might see if there is anyone around here, sure I saw an ad in the paper a few weeks ago....
TB x