36 week MW appt.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Just come back from my MW appt and everything was ok apart from I'm measuring a little small at 34 cm. She said as a rule of thumb they say 3cm under or over your amount of weeks is when they have to refer you to the Maternity clinic. I'm 2cm under, so I'm now worried that I won't have stretched enough in the next two weeks :(. Anyone else have a similar thing?

Hopefully I won't be seeing my MW again until I've had little man now :). 2 weeks time I've got to see the obstetrician as a follow up from my hospital stint and 2 weeks after that is my DD so FX he comes before or on time! :D.

Hiya hun I was similar to you - measuring 2 cm under every time until 36 weeks and I'd had a growth spurt and was measuring 2 cm ahead!
Measuring the bump is not very accurate so if the midwife is concerned she will send you for a growth scan so hopefully everything will be ok at your next appointment x
Bump measurements aren't an accurate way of knowing baby's actual size as I know people that have been told they are small and have gone on to have 8lb baby and vice versa, being told they are big and then having a 6lb baby. I wouldn't worry about it. x
Thanks ladies :). Hopefully they'll do some measurements at my obs appointment and tell me everything's caught up :). I swear pregnancy is just a big bag of worries for 9 months haha! xxx

I'm sure all will be ok, still a worry though!
Lets hope that before you have to see MW again your little man will be here! x

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