35 week consultant appointment - Section/VBAC


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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Today I saw the consultant at the hospital to discuss options for delivery of this baby, and no the Stork option is still out! :lol:

So basically because of my previous section they won't be inducing me (which I'm glad about) so my options are to go into labour naturally or they'll book me in for a section. So in nothing happens in the mean time I have another appointment for 40 weeks where I'll have an internal to check if anything is happening and if not I'll be given a date for an elective.

If I do go into labour naturally there'll be: quote "no faffing about" so if things don't progress to their satisfaction they'll try the oxytocin drip and if after 4 hours on that there's not much change it'll be a section for me.

On the plus side the lovely Doc said that I have a 70% chance of a VBAC so that was good to hear.

She also had a feel of my tummy and said baby is head down! :dance: Which is great because last week she was looking to be breech!

Oh and the other thing that was interesting was that she said the reason I had a section last time was because DD was in distress (which we knew) but that the reason she was in distress was that the cord was wrapped round her neck - which no-one had told us! She said that if I'd been closer to delivering they'd have let her be born vaginally but because I was still only 9cm that the decided not to wait - which is fair enough!!
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Yay on knowing whats going to happen! :cheer:
So how come they wont induce but will still give you the drip? (Im just nosey I have no idea lol)
You know my second son had the cord around his neck and I didn't know! My OH told me YEARS later!! He thought I knew! :shock: He had to go under that light thing (resusitaire) too! Which I knew about but didnt know why?! Well until OK told me about the cord and stuff lol!
Yay it is great knowing what's going to happen!! :cheer: :cheer:

She said that they won't start labour off but don't mind helping it along... the stress on the uterus from full induction is not worth risking but they can use the drip to increase the strength of contractions to help speed labour up if it has already started.

I don't know why one is ok and the other is not but I'm happy I won't have anyone trying to insert the horrible pessary up my lady bits! :lol:
Good luck with it all, it's good to have some idea of exactly what is happening. Not long now hey!!! :cheer:
That all sounds really positive honey :) yay not long now :hug: x x x x
Good luck hun I hope you get your VBAC! I think all hospitals are different on their policies with inducing. I was induced at 11 days over with my VBAC and they were willing to give me 3 lots of Prostin :shock: I said I would have no more than two if needed but luckily only needed one, there's no way I would have risked 3!
Thanks girls, the thing I was wondering about was how far over they would let me go and whether they would try inducing etc cos it seems there are no two hospitals the same! It's good to know where I stand now.

Becky said:
She also had a feel of my tummy and said baby is head down! :dance: Which is great because last week she was looking to be breech!

What am I saying - I don't know what sex this baby is :oops: :lol:
Can't beleive they didn't tell you about the cord being wrapped around LO's neck!! Thats what happened to my LO and I had to have an emergency C Section. Good luck with it all and
I hope you get your VBAC :hug: :hug: :hug:

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