34 Week Growth Scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

So I had my 2nd growth scan this morning and to be honest the sonographer was a bit of a bitch, made me and my OH feel really uncomfortable, anyway all was well our princess is weighing in at a healthy 6.7lbs according to their measurments, so by the time I'm 40 weeks she will around 9.5lbs!! I really don't want to go past my due date and there not in a position to induce me early as there's no major issues. she said my midwife would give me a sweep at 40 weeks if I last till then, I'm back at the consultant at 40+2 days ? But for now iv been discharged back to my midwife

P.S she had told me i have mild SPD, I hope little one is here a little sooner than her due date, god knows what I will look like then if I look full term now!

Glad your scan went well hun. I kept getting told that my baby was measuring this n that and that he would be well over 9lbs, but he was 8lb10oz and tiny!

I hope that LO doesn't make you wait too long to meet her though, fingers crossed she's bang on time :love:
I just want to reassure you it could be a growth spurt! At 35 weeks baby was measuring huge at 8lbs 4oz however today at 37 weeks he's weighing in at 8lbd 10oz - so there is hope xxxxx
Thank you ladies, time seems to be going quicker, her pram arrived today ! And only one more week in work exciting !! Xxx
So glad I have read this - I had my growth scan on monday and baby is measuring 6lb 2oz at 34 weeks. I have been booked in for a glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes and I have another scan booked in 2 weeks to see how much baby has grown. They really panicked me but it sounds like baby is just on the big side rather than anything to worry about.

x x
So glad I have read this - I had my growth scan on monday and baby is measuring 6lb 2oz at 34 weeks. I have been booked in for a glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes and I have another scan booked in 2 weeks to see how much baby has grown. They really panicked me but it sounds like baby is just on the big side rather than anything to worry about.

x x

The consultant said she is following the line perfectly, i was sent for the gtt at 28 weeks but came back negative, its worrying isnt it when things dont go quite to plan but at least were being monitored closely, iv heard many women say the weight is never accurate ? you will be fine hun, Let us know how you get on, :) xx

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