34 week appt and breech


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2011
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Just had mw appt there and still think baby is breech. Next appt is 37 weeks and if baby is still breech will get scan and take it from there.

Hoping baby turns but the way he/she is lying in sure they are trying to escape out my left side as there is some limbage or something poking out lol

Anyone had baby turn in 3weeks??
My LO was breech when I went for a 3D scan on the Saturday, the following Wednesday he had turned and was heads down and has been ever since. There are so many things they can do for breech babies now. Maybe you could try getting on all fours, that is often mentioned on here to help turn breech babies :) xx
Thanks for reply, mw said try lying on left hand side and hope gravity helps turn baby. Hope so!
Try that too then, hope baby turns for you x
Yep, 34 weeks she was breech & by 36 weeks had turned - she stayed that way until birth at 41+3
My LO was breech then turned although I think she's breech again given the pain and my heartburn has increased again. I was told by the consultant if she's still breech at 36 weeks they'd book a c section for 38 weeks :)
My baby was breech at 36 weeks and had turned by 37 so dont worry....there is plenty of time!
Thanks for the reply girls :dance:

Hopefully baby will turn, at the mo I am sure they are bursting out my left side, it almost feels like much more kicking or pushing and it will move around to my back lol :lol: Imagine a back bump haha.

Least still got 3weeks to turn, fingers crossed xx

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