32 week MW Appointment

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Had my 32 week appointment today and I was so nervous to find out if baby was head down and apparently he is but she did say he can move back and forward as much as he likes still, is this correct? I thought they didnt have the room to do that anymore they could just go side to side?

Anyone got any tips to make sure he stays head down?
Hi there, glad you got the news you wanted :D . I was told mine is transverse (has been for 6wks now - they are checking me more regularly) so i cant really help you, but i have heard that one the baby goes head down, it is kind of lodged there, and babies find it difficult to move away from that position.

and even if it does move, there is still plenty of time, according to my mw, for it to move back again. she reckons there is still loads of room for movement up to 37wks.

Sounds like everything is going just fine, so try not to worry and enjoy your last few weeks :hug:
Hi :wave:

My baby has been in the same position ( head down, back on the right, limbs everywhere) since 28 weeks and hasn't moved since. What the MW told me was they still could move but it is quite unlikely especially if it's a first baby as the muscles are stronger and the baby kind of gets it's head stuck. It's probably different if the baby is breech as it's wider so therefore more room for the baby to turn around.

Alex xxx

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