32 week midwife appt - booked in for growth scan. :(.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Can anything actually go right for me this pregnancy? never again - seriously.

I'm 32 weeks tomorrow, but my fundus is measuring 35. Plus she said he feels huge already. So i'm booked in for a growth scan whenever the scanning person gets back from holiday - when is she never on holiday?.

I explained about my fear of tearing etc and asked if she could estimate what weight she thinks he could get to, she said about the same weight as Kade, maybe bigger.. so, yeah.

Consultant appointment on Thursday, we'll see what she says.

I hope they consider whats best for you hun :hug:
Ahh :hug:

I know how you feel, i went for my 4d scan last week and the measurements on the growth scan part all came up 2-3 weeks bigger than my dates and she said the head is bigger than average :shock: Not really what someone who has to get it out a very small hole wants to hear!!

People on here and my midwife have all said not to worry though, the measurements are not 100% accurate and baby can have a little growth spurt then settle down and so at some points be above the 'average'.

I think measuring the size by fundus is even more innnaccurate so try not to worry! I thinks it's the unknown that i find scary. I'd prefer that the measurements were completely accurate cos then we could prepare for what's ahead, the not really knowing is what causes us to panic!!

Also on the fear of tearing, i actually don't think baby size matters too much, it's the speed at which they come out in those last pushes and if they come out too quick then that's what causes the tearing, but i'm no expert no that!!
I have a growth scan tomorrow hun and am caught between wanting him to be big to account for my size and more importantly that my high BP isn't affecting him and wanting him to be small so it isn't too hard getting him out :rotfl:

I hope everything goes well for you hun :hug:
aww sweetie I hope it goes well on Thursday :hug: :hug: :hug:
Personally I dont believe in the fundal measurement process at all, its often totally inaccurate and just unduly worries people.

I was told for 3 weeks that I was measuring 4-5 cms too small (I was worried to death as my bump is fairly small, especially for me size), and was finally sent for a growth scan........turns out he is absolutely spot on for his size! Saw a different MW last week and she measures me spot on too!!

Dont worry hun, I know its easier said than done - but am sure it will all be fine :hug:
Please dont worry about the fundal height hun this is totally inaccurate im sure everything will be fine :hug: :hug:

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