Growth Scan....? Massive buba!


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
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Ive been to see the midwife this morning, and I'm bang on 30 weeks today. Only problem is, baby is measuring 34 weeks!!
She was quite concerned initially, but my Glucose Test has come back Negative, so shes sending me for an urgent consultant appt, plus or minus a growth scan.
She didn't really tell me a lot else, so I was just wondering if anyone else has been through this? I haven't put on alot of weight, and Ive tried to eat sensibly!
I'm wondering if I'm heading for a C-Section? :oooo:
I wouldn't worry yet - they can't be that sure by just measuring your bump and 'having a feel'. The only way to tell really is to have a scan and measure baby properly. My consultant felt baby and said he thought he was small - then I had a scan and now they are saying he is big!! I've also not put on alot of weight so it must all be baby! I have another scan next week and am worried about how much they say baby has grown, lol. There are so many variables - maybe you are carrying fluid or you are further along than they first thought? I guess C section is a possibility but only as a last resort I would think.....depends exactly HOW big he is....everyone keeps telling me big ones pop out more easily, lol xxx
Ooooo its making my eyes water just thinking of popping a mahooossive Buba out! But i like a challenge!
Guess it was just a bit of a shock, Ive bimbled through my pregnancy so far with 'touch wood' no dramas, and her reaction just surprised me a bit! I'll wait and see what the scan says!
I know how you feel! I don't think they are concerned about how big mine is yet - I was being scanned for low placenta and consultant sneakily asked me if I'd been tested for diabetes (I have and it's negative), so I knew that meant baby was big! At 30+3 he was 4lb and at the top of the range for all the measurements...but doc said so far he is right on the big side of the normal range. But in the last 3 weeks I have just got bigger and bigger so I'm interested (and a little scared!) to know what he'll measure next week when I'm 34 +3!!! After that scan I stopped buying newborn baby clothes as think I am having a baby elephant, lol .Hope you get your scan soon xxx
Just managed to get an appt for next week, so we'll see. I haven't bought much yet, but just nipped into Asda for a few bits, and had a nosy at the baby stuff.....I def wont be buying newborn stuff!
3 cheers for the Big Buba club, lol xx
My bump is measuring small but baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger than it shud be scans have been saying this since 20weeks she's always seem to be two weeks bigger lol butu consultant sed it's common to have a small baby then have a bigger one Amy was 5 lb 2 oz when born ad was the size of a 32 week old baby she had probs but they say everything seems fine with this one And also scans can get it wrong too sometimes they sed Amy was big and was about 7 lb but I think there more accurate than the midwife measuring and feeling
please dont worry im 28 weeks but only measuring 23weeks its been the same on all of my pregnancies and i always get sent for growth scans and they are always ok and measure normal on them my growth scan is this friday
When the midwife first measured my final height I was measuring 4 weeks ahead so was sent for a growth scan. Baby was measuring about 4 days bigger than my dates, but I had extra amniotic fluid which is what was making me so big.
That was 2 weeks ago and although I'm measuring 4 weeks bigger still the fluid had reduced.
To be honest, I don't really trust the fundal height measurements as everyone is different and will grow at different rates.
Dont think fundal height measurements are too accurate, at my 28 week appointment my bump was measuring 33 weeks, had a scan at 31+3 weeks and she was measuring 29 weeks, had another scan yesterday at 33+3 and she is only measuring 31 weeks so to go back in another 2 weeks to see if she has grew, if not they will think about delivering early

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