32+ midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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I had another different midwife today, the 3rd one, and she worried me slightly.

When she 1st measured my fundal height she thought i hadnt grown since the last visit (about 28cm at 30 weeks) then did it again and said it was fine (31cm) and explained that it can be difficult to get the exact spot for the top of the uterus.

Also as it was a different person measuring that can affect it. THEN she said the baby feels about 30 weeks to her.

SHould i be worried that the baby is not growing enough?

thanks x
We were told at antenatal that the measuring with the tape at these appointments is a really, really, really rough idea. That in honesty different people measure differentley depending on where they start/end the tape, how far on the pubic bone they put it and where abouts they class the top of the uterus as being. We were told that unless the midwife had a REALLY good reason for saying baby was small/big etc that just to take the comments/measurements with a pinch of salt as they can vary with each person measuring and don't take into account how much water etc you are carrying. If she was at all concerned she'd have refered you for a growth scan. Don't worry about baby's growth, I'm sure all is fine.
I agree with what Nicola says - I was also told that as long as your bump measures approx 2cm either way of your weeks then everything is fine.
I wouldnt worry about it, if they were really worried they would have booked you in for growth scans and a appointment with a consultant.
im sure individuald measure things differently. My normal midwife always makes me undo my trousers so she can measure precisely (sp) from my pubic bone. I had a stand in mid wife for my 36 week visit and she did it over my jeans so she wasnt as precise.
Thanks :hug:

its just hard not to worry sometimes

When I had my 28 week check, the MW told me I was measuring big for my dates, my fundal height was 30cm at that time. I had my 32 week check yesterday and I'm measuring 31cm too, and the MW said it seems normal sized now.

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