30week midwife appointment.... grow baby grow!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Been to midwife today, everything fine apart from I'm on the borderline for babys growth...

I measured...

26wks = 25.5cm
28wks = 27cm
30wks = 28cm

So she said that I'm ok for now as I'm borderline but will re-measure at 32wks and if he hasn't had a growth spurt then I'll have to go for a scan!!

But nothing to worry about!! Xx
ye i wouldnt worry to much hun its only a rough guide sure all will be fine x
Aw yes I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and at least you'll get to see baby again! x
hoooo dont worry hun

you are allowed 2cm either way my mw said

up untill last week ive been measuring 1 1/2 or 2 cm smaller, but now im bang on for bump size

crazy how some mw put fear in to you yet others dont seem to flinch at the same thing x x
Nope not worried! I know its all fine, my auntie had the same where she had to have a scan as baby was measuring small and when she was born she weighed 10lb 4oz...eek!!!!

Would really like another scan though! Hehe xx
I've measured 28 since 25 weeks hun... (Well up until last weeks MW app anyway) I'll find out if she's grown any more next week :) I'm sure everything will be fine xxb
Bless u! I'm the opposite I got measures yest and I'm measuring 36 where I'm actually 34!! But she said body shape affects it as I'm only 5'2 so will show more than someone that's say 6'0! X
Nope not worried! I know its all fine, my auntie had the same where she had to have a scan as baby was measuring small and when she was born she weighed 10lb 4oz...eek!!!!

Would really like another scan though! Hehe xx

that would be eeek after thinking you were going to have a small baby, havin to labor a 10lb er heheehhe bless x x

and yer defo fingers crossed u get another scan heheeh x x x x
ive been 1-2cms behind the past 3 mw appointments and she didnt say anything. all will be fine hun. the way i see it is i would rather a slighty smaller baby than a bigger one. xxx
Bless u! I'm the opposite I got measures yest and I'm measuring 36 where I'm actually 34!! But she said body shape affects it as I'm only 5'2 so will show more than someone that's say 6'0! X

the hight thing makes sense to me! so i have no idea what's going on with me!
i've been booked in for growth scans, had one at 28 weeks got the other at 34 weeks! because one of my hormone levels was well below the average! mw said it's linked to small babies and prem labour! 28week growth scan bubs measured around the average but had a estimated weight of a 30 week baby!!! had mw appointment day after scan and was measuring 30 weeks! had mw last fri and was measuring 33 weeks, she double checked, then i did it too when i got home! hoping he doesn't get to big!!!
ive been 1-2cms behind the past 3 mw appointments and she didnt say anything. all will be fine hun. the way i see it is i would rather a slighty smaller baby than a bigger one. xxx

Exactly what I was thinking! Brooke only weighed 4lb 10oz so am use to little baby's! X

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