30 weeks today!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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only 10 to go! :shock: :shock: :shock:

what was your landmark after 30 weeks, i don't want to have to wait the 7 until full term to pat myself on the back!
how's everyone today? :)
Yay on 30 weeks! I cant wait until tomorrow lol
Im so excited about being in the last 10 weeks!
congrats!! :hug:

my landmark after that was 35, being able to go on mat leave and sleep more!! :lol:
Ooh congrats!!

I can't wait to be 30 weeks, then I think I'll be waiting for 36 which is my last week at work.

30 weeks is like being on the home straight, you know it's not long to go!
My next one was 35 weeks which I hit yesterday :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: No reason for it I just think it means I've only got 5 weeks left.

My next landmark is this Sunday 21st which means it's only 1 month til due date and then after that it's 37 weeks :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Every week after 30 is a landmark for me. Try it! It's fun!! :)

Congrats on week 30 - hope it flies by for you. xxx
from 30 weeks I started counting down in days.

And, as Im very sad, I started to count according to the number of days you get orders from court for (Tis my job to defend in the county court you see) so 56 days-oh thats how long you are allowed to stay in your home due to hardship before posession if you have a mortgage, 42 days for private rented :lol: How sad am I?!!

As Im now off work and have no more real countdowns using that system, I am now counting down to consultants appointment next thursday and then it will be induction date or due date...but mostly I am just shouting at my bump to get out!!

Congrats on your personal milestone, heres to the next :cheer:
Congratulations! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Leaving work at 33 weeks was great, then 37 to be full term, now i'm waiting for 3 more days to get to my due date, then 41 weeks is my sweep, then (I obviously don't want to get this far) 12 days overdue for induction :wall:
It has flown by after 30 weeks :D

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