2nd trimester "bloom" .. when??!!!

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Having just posted on the first trimester hormones thread I just thought I would ask you guys when all these bad moods, raging rants and emotional outbursts will subside??

I am just so out of sorts at the moment, still so tetchy and short fused.. of course I take it all out on OH and luckily he is being brill but I know its not doing me any good.. raising my stress levels and I am anxious enough about this little Bod.. all this moodiness is not helping!!!!

I am still tired all the time, still eating all the time and still peeing all the time... and skin still bad.. I am longing to be "blooming" but all I am is blooming moody!!!

Errmmmm, still waiting (drums fingers on table!!)

Seriously tho I can't say that i've bloomed but the headaches/sickness/nausea etc I got in my 1st tri. subsided at about 4 months, but i've developed other wonderful symptons to replace those! the latest is Restless Legs Syndrome (RSL) and even though i've only had it about a week is already driving me mad!

I still get the odd spot but have worked out its around the time I would have had a period - a bit strange.

The frequency of my mood swings and rage outbursts ( :!: ) has reduced alot but still get them from time to time but i guess I got that before I was preggers anyway.

I hope your moodiness goes away soon! It shouldn't be too long now before you do start to get better.

i can only 2nd what nicki just said hun 2nd tri brings its own set of problems eg. heartburn backache braxton hicks (sp) and swollen ankles
lol saying that though first tri things do settle nausea goes and headaches and tiredness reduce.
heres to blooming whenever thats going to happen lol im gonna be in 3rd tri soon and still waiting for the blooming stage xxxxx
Oh great..you guys have NOT cheered me up!!!

Admittedly the nausea has gone completely and the mood swings do come and go a bit, it all depends on how I start my day, if OK then the day is fine but I think much of it is tiredness and stress at work does not help so by 6pm I get home and go straight out to walk my dog to let of steam and put things in perspective!!

So there are other wonderful symptoms I can look forward to.. oh no!!

Braxton hicks....??? that sounds painful?? what is it??
RLS Nicki.. is that like having a nervous twitch???? Or is it just the urge to walk about all the time?? :wink: :wink:
Im 13 weeks and the sickness has stopped a few weeks ago. Im a wee bit tired at night but am feeling better. I know that im having a 'bloom' because my freckles have started to come out but I dont feel it as powerful as I did before. I wont be cartwheeling down the street.

Hope you start to feel better, I think you should kick start the bloom by going for a massage or doing something you really enjoy.

LOL Sorry Anne Marie, didn't mean to sound pessemestic. I just keep telling myself that all that we go through during a pregnancy, most not nice, will all be worth it when we meet our bundles (God I hope so anyway!!)

I started getting BH that I could feel at about 23/24 weeks, not that I knew that at the time tho. They aren't painful just a bit uncomfortable. My tummy goes rock hard and everything all tenses up, but they only last for a max of 20/30 seconds before they're gone, so nothing to worry about, it's just your uterus preparing for labour & contractions.

RSL isn't nice & I really hope you don't get it. Its just a really horrible sensation that starts in my feet and sometimes creeps up my leg/s and slowly builds up until I either have to stretch out my leg or foot or curl up my toes, quite often my leg will un-voluntarily spasm (makes me look like a right looney! :lol: ) It normally happens at night but has started to become more frequent during the day. Walking around and /or stretching my legs & back relieves it for a bit.

Don't forget though that everyone of us is different & you may not get any more symptons (fingers crossed for you!) I think i've just been a bit unlucky with mine that I seem to have experienced most things going, its no surprise really, i've never been one for good luck!! :lol:

Nicki. :D
Ohh.. now I get it.. yes my sister in law suffered badly with her first pregnancy with all sorts of things.. siatica and those BH things you described.. terrible back ache.. she was so uncomfortable for the whole 9 months.............but with her second daughter she was fine all the way through.. so maybe your next one will be a doddle!!!! :wink: :wink:
oh nicki i know i shouldn't laugh but i can just picture your leg taking a spasm and kicking out..... it must be a pain especially at nite when your trying to relax and sleep.. hope it gets better!!!!

I've noticed i don't get as tired so early in the nite... also i have more energy throu the day... seem to get so much more done! my concentration has improved too.... i don't feel sick anymore... my skin looks quite fresh some mornings (not every morning)... my hair feels and looks thicker n glossy!!! and my nails are so hard... i've french polished them and they look fab.... BUT i still get the head aches... I supose this is a little price to pay...

oh and my back aches if i sleep in the same position for too long!!!!

I too have been having braxton hicks quite often, but like you said nikki they only last for about 30 seconds or so, I like to think that it is my little 'en having a stretch :D

My back aches most of the time too, I find it really hard to get comfortable in bed and am waking up all the time, if it's not with my back it's to go to the toilet :x I am also getting really bad pain in my pubic bone, this casues me to limp a bit when I am walking, lol!!!

My line manager told me today though that I am looking really well and that I must be in the blooming stage - I don't always feel it but I feel a damn sight better than I did early doors :D

I think I've been really fortunate in the second trimester after the worrying first trimester I had.

The sickness went just after 12 weeks, I haven't suffered with headaches or been hormonal. I feel like my old self.

I feel fab and have been feeling great for a good 6 weeks or so.

My hair is much shinier too which I'm really enjoying, it's never looked in such a good condition.

I'm enjoying the blooming stage whilst it lasts and the tiredness comes back.
Nicki - reading your posts is like listening to myself!!

I had those spasms too - since being on iron tablets that has seem to resolve it (think they call it Restless Leg Syndrome) and part of its cause can be low iron.

I also get B/H which can be really uncomfortable sometimes.

I too didnt bloom and with only 28 days to go its looking very unlikely I will!!! I must admit my spots did go with the second trimester and my skin looked a lot clearer (but I think that was more to do with stopping smoking - i got the colour back in my face!!)

My latest lovely sympton is really swollen ankles, feet, wrists and hands - as I type I have my legs on a gym ball to try and take the swelling down!

Lets hope you get lucky Anne Marie and be one of the ones who really blooms. It was really nice what you said about your sister-in-law because I must be honest, but I have really been put off getting pg again - perhaps the second one will be different (D/H will go nuts if he reads this - I think hes about ready to divorce me!!!!)

L x
Well its great to hear that some of you are lucky enough to be blooming and enjoying it.. I have good and bad days, today is good .. probably cos its Friday and I don't care!!!! I was also pleased that I could fit into a size 12 skirt today so that cheered me up!!

Yes Lisa I know what you mean.. I expected to really enjoy being pregnant but for me its just a very anxious time, I don't mind having all these symptoms and appearance issues if all is OK with Bod but some days I am not very confident about it all so the whole world seems to cave in a bit on me. I think if all does go well with Bod it may help me relax a bit if I ever do consider having another stab at ttc... sometimes I feel such a failure feeling so afraid and nervous and it is preventing me from feeling attached to little Bod but I am hoping that will change too .. maybe when 20 weeks has been and gone and Ihave seen him / her dancing around again :wink:
Have to be honest... I never bloomed!! Budded maybe!! I felt terrible from 16weeks to 19weeks (sickness etc). I was lucky though because my bump didn't get huge. I didn't enjoy being pregnant at all but I really enjoyed the labour and delivery and I'm really enjoying being a Mummy after a few hard weeks :lol:
Bubbleone.. did i read that right.. you enjoyed labour???????????????

wow.. what was your secret?????
I am petrified of it!!

:wink: :wink:
awww anna marie dont be scared hun yes its painful and scary but its all forgotten about in seconds when youve got that baby in your arms you would go through it a hundred times again xxxxxx
hhhmmm not so sure you have convinced me!!

And as for any more.. we'll see.... :wink: :wink:
lol i always said no more and then i got to 30 and started to get broody the worst thing was when my son started comprehensive school and i finally realised he wasnt my baby anymore :( then i wished id had lots more and now i dont want to stop lol already wondering if will be brave enough to try again straight away after this lo is born :oops: will make sure my relationship with o/h is on an even keel first though dont think i could cope with it all again xxxx
Anna Marie - really hope your worries become less as time goes on. Have to say though, that really the worries just change to something else as time goes on!!!! - I still worry now and I havent got that long to go !

Im sure we will all be fine.

Did someone say they enjoyed Labour???? Please please tell me how and why because I am really scared.....................

L x
Glad i'm not the only one who's petrified of labour. At this point i'm more worried that I won't know i've gone into labour or wait too long to go to the hospital and end up giving birth in a lay-by :shock:

Lisa, its funny you should say about your RSL, because my doc told me yesterday that i'm slightly aneamic now & has given me iron tablets, when I said , 'thats probably why i've developed RSL', he said 'I doubt it, it'll just be your baby pressing on your nerves' I think its a bit of a coincidence tho.

Nicki. :D
Yeah I worry about that too - especially as they bang on about staying at home for as long as possible - what if things progress really quickly - we can hardly measure our own dilations!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :lol:

I'm convined my low iron was one of the reason I got RLS as it has completly gone now. Also people who are not preganant get it and when they take iron supplements it has improved it. Hope it works for you.

L x

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