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2nd time pregnancy and labour etc....


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me their experiences of pregnancy and giving birth the second time round?

The key things I want to know are whether you can feel the baby move earlier (- I think I was 17-18 weeks first time round) and also whether the birth is really quicker/easier?

My labour first time was only 10 hours and so I'm hoping that this time it won't be a couple of hours or something and not have time for pain relief.
Hi, I found i felt the baby move earlier because you know what your feeling for, my births have been quicker too (Phew) and shockling got bigger each time! Now baby number 4 is coming im scared incase its a stone lol, Good luck x
Well my first was only 4lb 12oz so I am expecting a little bigger this time ;) but that will be nice to be able to feel bub earlier.
I remember feeling dd2 earlier but as mummy-again says its cos you know what your feeling, also birth was quicker, dd1 i was 29hrs start to finish and dd2 it was 12hrs 51 mins

Dd2 was also bigger but not by much, dd1 was 6lb 8oz dd1 was 6lb 14oz xx
With Lacey I felt her at 16 weeks and charley I'm sure I started feeling him at 10 weeks.
Lacey's labour was only 6 hours but very painful, charley's was 4 hours (mw classed it as 54 mins) and I could handle it better. It still hurt but you knew what your doing!
I found the 2nd pregnancy and birth alot more exciting! :D
Thanks for starting this thread, i've been wondering about birth the 2nd time round too.

One thing I can help you with though, is movement 2nd time round, with my first I didn't feel movement til around 22 weeks, this time I've felt it from 15.

Would you ladies mind telling me about pain relief 2nd time round compared to 1st? I had everything with first, epidural, gas and air, diamorphine, but I was induced so it was a more painful birth, with this one I would like gas and air only

Thanks for starting this thread, i've been wondering about birth the 2nd time round too.

One thing I can help you with though, is movement 2nd time round, with my first I didn't feel movement til around 22 weeks, this time I've felt it from 15.

Would you ladies mind telling me about pain relief 2nd time round compared to 1st? I had everything with first, epidural, gas and air, diamorphine, but I was induced so it was a more painful birth, with this one I would like gas and air only


I was "forced" into having epidural with my eldest (literally pinned down by anesthetist!)

With dd2 i begged for an epidural! The first time i had no idea (obv) the second time i just wanted to be as pain free as possible!

Its your choice hunni only you know what you want xxx
What a terrible experience being forced into an epidural.

I've had endless back problems since having one, have you experienced this?

It also took 4 attempts to get it in, which left my back totally bruised and very painful for a few days. Would rather try and go without it, just need to be strong I suppose.
What a terrible experience being forced into an epidural.

I've had endless back problems since having one, have you experienced this?

It also took 4 attempts to get it in, which left my back totally bruised and very painful for a few days. Would rather try and go without it, just need to be strong I suppose.

Ive had really bad back problems ever since and they have gotten worse since my youngest, altho will still opt for one this time cos im a wimp when it comes to pain!

Was forced into first one cos had been in non progressive labour for 22hrs baby was distressed and had pooed inside, the guy literally had my arm twisted behind my back to put drip in, the rest was pretty much a blur really, i remember them asking if id agree to help if needed, i asked what help he said "forceps" i said ok, next thing i know i have a consent form for c section shoved under my nose and heard doc telling them to prep theatre for a section!

I lost the plot at that point! Luckily dd1 was delivered with ventouse instead of a section but i was in theatre all drugged up/shaved etc ready for them to do it.

Then was told i couldnt have the drip/epidural out til the next day (dd1 was born at 00.45am) as i had to have the full iv of fluid, so spent the rest of the night unable to move or see to dd1

dd2 was totally different, altho she bacame distressed and pooed too, the epidural was strong enough for nopain but i could still push etc and within half hour/hour of dd2 being born i was up and about

Again it just depends how your labour progresses and how you feel.

(sorry for essay) xx
This is interesting, been wondering what to expect as my first labour was 4 hours and only agony for the last hour so hope this one is even quicker! Only thing is I have 14 year age gap so my age could go against me now I suppose?

Can help with movement, I felt my daughter at 16-17 weeks and this one at 13 so def earlier for me, you know what your feeling for (even after all these years!)
hi my 2nd pregnancy i felt dd earlier and the labour was a lot shorter, my first was quite hard as ds was 9lb i had an epidural which stopped my contractin so was put on drips to start them and then couldnt feel when to push so was a big dragged out, with dd i got to hospital at 7.30 and had her by 8.30 with only a shot of pethadine, much easier labour

this time im not going for the pain relief as didnt like gas and air would have epidural agin and the pethadine slowed her heart rate. so its au natural for me!!
Hi there - I'm interested to see how this will play out for me too 2nd time around.
Have definitely felt baby moving this week - think I was about 20 weeks first time round before I felt anything. Had a fast enough labour with No#1, but thankfully didn't need any pain relief. Hoping for more of the same and a water birth if possible :)
But what we want and what we get are two entirely different things!! Will just have to keep my fingers crossed I guess:)
good thread!! ive been wondering this also!! was 7hours with my first with no pain relief,
tried the birthing pool but it was wayyyy to hot for me!!! hopfully this time round be the same or even easier :) xxxx
Yes to both. Definitely felt movements earlier the second time round, although cannot exactly remember when. Had long, complicated labour and birth (forceps) with my first with every kind of pain relief imaginable, and then a much quicker, straightforward waterbirth with only gas and air with my second. Hope this one will be a repeat performance of no 2!
hi. my first baby was born on her exact due date, labour lasted just over an hour. she was 8lb 2
my second was a boy, he was born premature(29 weeks) and labour lasted 20 mins!
second pregnancy i felt him move a lot earlier, and i got bigger faster too. i was all bump.
hi. my first baby was born on her exact due date, labour lasted just over an hour. she was 8lb 2
my second was a boy, he was born premature(29 weeks) and labour lasted 20 mins!
second pregnancy i felt him move a lot earlier, and i got bigger faster too. i was all bump.

What did your son weigh when he was born? If u dont mind me asking


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