29 week pregnant check


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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hi, i had my 28 week midwife appointment today and my urine had traces of glucose in it, i am really worried about gestational diabetes now and how will it affect my baby? will he be ok? midwife was a bit vague about it when i asked her, any advice greatly appriciated thanks
GD is supposed to make your baby bigger and also increases the possibility of your baby being born with low blood sugar... but in general it's only classified as a level2 risk in your pregnancy... so it's not too bad.. at the very worst they may choose to induce you early to reduce the risk to the baby if they believe the baby is getting too big...

It can easily be controlled by your diet and if anything it will only be the last few weeks where you might have some problems controlling it in which case they will look at induction... you will be closely monitored too...

If the mw is worried she will get you to take a Glucose Tolerance Test or GTT... where they get you to drink a sugar drink and take your blood an hour after.... I didn't pass the GTT, but never had glucose in my urine. I have to jab my fingers to test my blood 6 times a day and have a diet which I can't stick too because it has too much food... but after testing all the time it appears that I don't have GD but something else that causes big dips and highs of blood sugar which they are saying might be related to my Crohns... I'm actually doing a hormone test today where I have to collect my pee for a whole 24 hours (:puke: ) so they can test it tomorrow morning..
thanks for that i feel a bit better now!! she has taken a blood sample as she said that its more accurate!so just waiting on the results now!!

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