28 week blood test?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
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Hi ladies

Just wondered, for those of you that have had your bloods done at 28 weeks, what were they checking for?!

I went to have a blood test done this morning, my Midwife gave me a white and yellow slip the last time I saw her (over a month ago), and told me to go to the clinic in about three weeks and get the bloods done. So I went today (three weeks would have been last monday but it was snowing so had to wait until this week).

Anyway when I went in there, I gave the Nurse the slip and whilst I was taking my coat off, getting in the chair, etc., I overheard her say to the other Nurse something like 'Oooh that's unusual, I don't know why she wants that done as well' (said whilst looking at my slip, and I presume she was talking about my Midiwfe as she filled out the blood form). Now I'm majorly paranoid and keep thinking why she said that! I asked her exactly what they were testing for, she took two tubes of blood and said one was a full blood count and to see if I was anaemic (sp) and the other was to cross match my blood or something incase I need a blood tranfusion when I go into labour? I didn't think there was anything unusual about that, and surely if my Midwife wanted them to test for something else, she would have told me about it?? I know I sound paranoid but I'm just wondering! :? :? Any ideas?!
I had some done at 28 weeks, to check for anaemia and to double check blood group. Think it's quite standard tho, so not sure why they were questioning it - how odd!!!
Is it not the Rhesus blood test?

Thats what i was told.. I have mine in about a week or so.

kaybee said:
I had some done at 28 weeks, to check for anaemia and to double check blood group. Think it's quite standard tho, so not sure why they were questioning it - how odd!!!

That's what I thought! I thought it was routine and they do it with all pregnant women at 28 weeks, when I heard her saying to the other Nurse about it being unusual I thought maybe she's asked them to test for something else?! But I had all the screening tests done when I was 12 weeks, and when I looked on the form she'd given me this time, she'd just ticked the boxes for Full Blood Count, and Antibody test, so it's nothing out of the ordinary! She told me to wait 3 weeks aswell so she wasn't in any rush for me to have them done... I'm propbably just being mega paranoid!

SoonToBeMrs - I had the Rhesus blood test at 12 weeks and there were no problems with that, nothing that I need injections for, etc. Arghh I'm confused! :lol:
Mine was the lucozade test, to check for gestational diabetes. Not sure about anything else sorry.
Hi girls :wave:

I rang the Doctor's surgery this morning as I had to give them an update on Amber's 'spots' (she has chickenpox!) and thought I would ask about my blood test. They had the results back and said everything was 'perfectly fine' and I'm not even anaemic, so I don't know what that woman was on about! :think: I think I must have got my wires crossed, and she was talking about someone else... that'll teach me for being paranoid! :lol:
i had bloods done at 28 weeks and was told it was just to check iron levels.
Don't worry about it. If there is a problem they have to tell you so it must be fine.
Maybe your midwife ticked the wrong box or something.
S x
Thanks hun.

Yeah I'm sure they would have said, the recepionist went to check them and just came back and said they were normal so there was nothing to worry about. It was just when I had them done and the Nurse taking the blood said something about it being unusual, I panicked and thought they might be testing me for something else that they didn't tell me about! But apparently everything is fine so I'm quite relieved to hear that! :D

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