26wk check up, high BP


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Just been to see my GP for the 26 week check up and my blood pressure was quite high (149/90) so now I have to be checked up regularly next week. I really hope it's just a one of high result. I got pre-eclampsia last time and had to be induced at 38 weeks with my son. It's just too early to start having it high allready :shakehead:.
Hello, ... i wouldnt panic as i assume they checked your urine... which cant of had protein in or they would have sent you for bloods, so its probably not PE just yet, and there is so much they can do to treat High BP in pregnancy as i have it at the mo, and its under control so even if it is just high BP you can still go full term with no probs. The best thing you can do is rest rest rest to try and bring it down, and ive also heard that a glass of Beetroot juice a day reduces BP... I need to check with midwife tomorrow tho before i drink it... so check with someone first if you do want to lol, and anything that worries you take yourself straight down the GP's.

I had PE in my first pregnancy too, and had the baby at 28 weeks, they tell me that this time the chance of me getting it again is only 25% and if it does happen it usually happens later on in the pregnancy... and the later you had it the first time the lesser chance you have of having it in subsequent pregnancies... hope that helps calm your nerves?

Hope it all works out for you :)

Ive had high blood pressure twice and the next time ive gone back to get it checked its been fine so the best thing to do is not stress lol, I know I know wasier said than done xx
Thanks girls!! You have made me feel alot better!!
Pregnancy aint bloody easy it, suppose to enjoy it ive spent most of mine stressing out lol xx
same here Claire..I myself feel I am getting more stressed after being pregnant rather than I used to bfr pregnancy..Hope ur BP reduces...did the doc gave any medicines for reducing the bp?
hope it comes down Kiki for next week, it might have been a one off, mine goes higher when I'm sitting there nervous in the docs waiting room!

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