25 week MW apointment today


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I have my 25 week MW appointment today. I've got my little list of things to aks her about

1, antenatal classes
2, MATB1 form
3, Hospital tour

Is there anything else you can think of that I need to ask her about??

I have been meaning to ask her about the antenatal classes for my last two visits but I keep forgetting so I've wrote them down this time and put them with my notes........ My PG brain hasn't completely taken over yet!! :lol:

Also....do any of you know when I'll have my next lot of bloods taken?? Will it be this visit??
Hey hun :D

good luck at your midwife appointment!!!

i THINK that on my last visit to see midwife she told me that i would be having my bloods taken at my next appointment and that would be the last time i have them taken?!?

hun i think they do bloods at about 28 weeks and that should be the last ones :D
just a thought but you might want to start discussing your birth plan at this stage too although some midwives like to leave it till after 30 weeks might be worth discussing now so that you can have a good think about it before your next appointment hope your appointment goes well xxxxxxxx
Hi Hun, I had an appointment at 22weeks and next one is at 29 weeks. No bloods at last one but will be getting them at the next one. 22 week appointment was just a feel of tum, listen to heartbeat, urine check, blood pressure check, and she wrote my MATB1 forms.
Hope you get on fine, can't believe how quickly the time is going for us all!
Sarah x
I know.....it just seems to be flying by. I get a babycentre e-mail each week with an update and it seems mad that I was excited about getting them at 9 weeks and now I'm 25 already!!

Only 15 left now :shock:
It is going so quickly! I can't think of anything else for your list. Hope your appointment goes well and let me know what she says about when the bloods are taken so I can be prepared!
hey sweets, just wanted to say i hope all went well today.xx
I'm seeing m/w at the end of the month which is approx 28weeks. I think this is just a check up and arranging antinatal appointments. I think she said they'd take bloods a few weeks later when I'm about 32 weeks :)

Must be taking your blood early :twisted: heehee

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