I have a 24 day cycle. I know this isn't too far out of the average range, but I wondered if that might make it more difficult for me to conceive/carry to term? I had a miscarriage in September at 6+4. My doctor mentioned that some women with shorter cycles have low progesterone and therefore troubles to become pregnant. But he said not to worry yet and we could address it later. My boyfriend and I are ttc and obviously want to do so as soon as we can!
If anyone has any experiences with this, I'd appreciate your input!
I have a 24 day cycle. I know this isn't too far out of the average range, but I wondered if that might make it more difficult for me to conceive/carry to term? I had a miscarriage in September at 6+4. My doctor mentioned that some women with shorter cycles have low progesterone and therefore troubles to become pregnant. But he said not to worry yet and we could address it later. My boyfriend and I are ttc and obviously want to do so as soon as we can!
If anyone has any experiences with this, I'd appreciate your input!