22 weeks today and a fatty!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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Well girls, I've reached 22 weeks today!! Can't believe how fast it's gone so far! Only 18 weeks left! How scary does that sound!

I forced myself to get weighed last night and I was mortified at my weight. I've gone from 9st pre-pregnancy to 11st 9lbs at 22 weeks pregnant! I sat and cried when I saw. I've never been so big in my entire life!! OH tried his hardest to console me last night but it didn't help. I'm sooooooo worried about losing the weight afterwards and the fact I won't be able too and will be living in maternity clothes forever :( I'm dreading how much weight I'll put on in total. I've been really good with myself and my food consumption hasn't changed at all really so as much as I'm trying to be good it just doesn't seem to be working :cry:
The only thing that's keeping some sort of smile on my face is that I'm off to hospital for a scan this afternoon. Not for anything in particular, just an extra one to help the hospital for training :lol: so that's good I suppose and I finish work on the 14th on leave before my maternity leave kicks in :dance:

Anyone else put on weight like me? xxxx
oooo and walking into work this morning I feel like I've started waddling like a duck :( Thought that didn't happen til near the end? xxxx
I am on my week 15 and only put on 2.5 kg. Kind of worried that it is too little...
Oh hon try not to worry - if your food intake hasn't increased it could be that you're just carrying a lot of water. It might be worth asking your midwife for advice? Whatever you do don't diet, baby needs all the nutrients at the moment but why not try some gentle excercise instead? Walking is great as is swimming and it will make you feel like you're doing something positive x x
I'm 16weeks tomorrow and I already put around 5.5kg.:))) sometimes I feel fat too but staying possitive as not much i can do about it.:)))
i know how you feel with my daughter 15 years ago i only weighes 7 and half stone when i got pregnant, i had the smallest bump and didnt put much weight on, i came out of hospital in size 8 jeans and a flat tummy, i put that down to good stomach muscles from competetive swimming lol,

but now i look like a heffalump and i keep catching sight of myself in mirrors out shopping and i could cry, id put weight on before my pregnancy and was trying to diet, ive lost a bit while pregnant too, im not really showing either which makes me feel worse as if i had a bump at least id look pregnant not just fat.

so i know how you feel honey and all i can say is youll have a lovely bundle of joy at the end of it and then you can hit the gym!! im asking for a personal trainer from santa this year lol x x x
Dont worry hon I am sure if your eating normally then its probably just baby, boobs and water!!! which will all go when baby is born!

I'm huge its quite embarrasing I am dreading my MW apt on Monday where she measures me!!! I lost a stone and a half in first tri from hyperemsis then I think I was so pleased to be able to eat again I went a bit mad with it and now I so darent weigh myself but I am trying to be sensible for rest of the pregnancy now so as not to put on any more, I think thats all you can to be honest! I must post a pic of my bump I look 35 weeks! I lie when anyone asks when I'm due and say end of July as I am so embarrassed!! lol :fib:
Try not to worry about it, lots of the weight will be water, extra blood, baby and boobs. I put on 4 1/2 stone with my daughter and was huge, went from 8 stone to 12 1/2 stone! I was gutted at the time and cried the first time i saw my body after giving birth but the weight fell off really quickly, over a stone giving birth, then breast feeding works wonders for your figure, and the last bit I got rid of at the gym. Took 9 months to put on and 9 months to lose and get a nice flat tummy back, that image of how fat I was has never left me and so was a great motivator!

Long as you eat a healthy balanced diet you should be fine, it really does come off afterwards, if you want it too, and stay motivated, pregnancy is the one time us girls can relax a bit about putting weight on, we should enjoy it for a few months! plus I seen the photo of you the other day you put up and you looked great x
I'll join the club- I have pug on 10-11 kgs already and feel really fat. I really am hoping it will drop quickly but I just couldn't not eat in tri1 - only food every 2 hours kept me sane.
I've put on about a stone so far and I'm a couple of weeks behind you hun! It's hard not to worry about afterwards but I guess that we have to focus on keeping baby well fed and happy! Once LO is here I'm hoping I can breastfeed to help lose a bit and get back to some sort of exercise routing again. I used to go to the gym about 3 times a week and now I swim once a week and that's it! ...........I've been big before and lost around 2 stone with ww online, had put about half a stone on and stabilised at that before I got PG but I'm concerned I will never be able to do it again- I have to tell myself that all I can do is my best for now and when bubs is here not give myself a hard time about losing it all quickly.....it is much better to lose it gradually and more likely to stay off I hope!..............Don't be too hard on yourself hun, I know someone that put 4 stone on in pregnancy and is stick thin now and looks fab! Just take care of u and bubs and have faith in yourself that you will be able to lose weight when baby is here xxxxxx
oh don't worry hun... It will all go away later! It's good that you are putting weight - shows that the baby is growing well!

I haven't put much weight on yet... I'm starting to get worried about it a little.
Before being pregnant i was 8st 9 and a size 8, i was jogging everyday but that was all, i didnt have a healthy diet and practically lived on a bit of fruit through the day at work and a small meal for dinner, as soon as i found out i was pregnant i started eating 3 decent meals a day and stopped jogging but carried on with walking instead ive been to 3 aquanatal classes but thats all and i currently weigh 9st 6, My old size ten clothes which i shrunk out of are now getting too tight and i just feel like a porka because im only 13 weeks dont look or feel pregnant either and instead of a naturally toned flat belly i have a jelly belly :( i plan on breastfeeding which ive been told is good for me aswel as the baby and then back to jogging after crumpet arrives. im hoping to maybe cut down on the size of my meals through out the pregnancy because i always feel hungry atm but if i cant i will after. I know it will take time to lose the weight but id rather do it slowly so i know it will stay off rather than go back to my bad eating habits. xx
Thanks for all your replies girls. Feeling a bit better about it all but it still worries me. I guess i can't really do much more about it than I'm already doing so I'm sure I'll be fine somehow even though it will take a bit of time.


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