21-year-old fathers seventh child


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Has he not heard of contraception :shock: Have the local women not heard of his reputation :shock: Just :shock: :wall: :shock: :wall:

Source here *edit* Just seen the date on the news story and its a bit old, so some may have heard of him before. Sorry. Mods feel free to delete if need be. At least he's not fathered number 8 since this ran :roll: *end edit*

21-year-old fathers seventh child

A 21-year-old who fathered his first child at 13 is about to become a dad for the seventh time.

Keith Macdonald, from Washington, Tyne and Wear has been branded a "reckless Romeo" after it emerged that all his children are by different women.

He is reported to be living apart from the mother-to-be.

As he is unemployed he does not support his children financially, but Mr Macdonald says he has no plans to father any more children

The north east has a high rate of teenage pregnancies, with 52 girls per 1,000 under 18 becoming pregnant, as opposed to an England average of 42.

Condom manufacturers also report low sales in the region.

Mr Macdonald said he did not want to have any more children and that his mother has strong views about the situation.

He said: "My mum's not happy about all these kids. "She tells me to pack it in and keep it in my trousers."
:shock: wow
his mum should lop it off! not tell him to keep it in his trousers!
someone needs to give him a good slap
I know I would!
This bloke lives around the corner from me. Although I think his attitude is appalling, what about the daft women who let him get away with it? I know accidents happen, but not seven surely? It takes two to tango and sadly, where I live it does seem as though babies are a fashion accessory....you're not someone in the local shopping centre unless you have a baby and a burberry pram.
Do Washington people have thier babies at Sunderland?

Although I think it's the best maternity hospital in the world. Ever. It did sometimes remind me of what I imagine Jeremy Kyles waiting room to be like :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I suppose it's more tragic than funny really. How can people think that it is the norm?!?!? It seems like life is just a waste to some people. :shock:
Happybunny said:
This bloke lives around the corner from me. Although I think his attitude is appalling, what about the daft women who let him get away with it? I know accidents happen, but not seven surely? It takes two to tango and sadly, where I live it does seem as though babies are a fashion accessory....you're not someone in the local shopping centre unless you have a baby and a burberry pram.

That's what I thought also. If I was female and knew about him I'd sure as hell be running the other way :roll: He must have a reputation by now.

I did wonder how these women were coping financially as he wasn't working then and unable to pay any child support. I'd think the day he started work he'd be flat broke if he had to pay all 7 women so much he'd have nothing left.
Sherlock said:
Happybunny said:
This bloke lives around the corner from me. Although I think his attitude is appalling, what about the daft women who let him get away with it? I know accidents happen, but not seven surely? It takes two to tango and sadly, where I live it does seem as though babies are a fashion accessory....you're not someone in the local shopping centre unless you have a baby and a burberry pram.

That's what I thought also. If I was female and knew about him I'd sure as hell be running the other way :roll: He must have a reputation by now.

I did wonder how these women were coping financially as he wasn't working then and unable to pay any child support. I'd think the day he started work he'd be flat broke if he had to pay all 7 women so much he'd have nothing left.

i doubt it..i have a really bad word block right now and can't remember
the initials..but you know the agency thats meant to make fathers pay
maintenence ( the ones that are meant to be dis-banding)
well them- they are awful when i first split up from Haydens dad they
got involved not through my choice and said he only had to pay me a fiver a week even though we had our own arrangemant and he gave me a lot more..scum like this guy won't do that they'll just pay what they are told they have to (if that!)
Condom manufacturers also report low sales in the region.

that made me laugh out loud!!
emma28 said:
Do Washington people have thier babies at Sunderland?

Although I think it's the best maternity hospital in the world. Ever. It did sometimes remind me of what I imagine Jeremy Kyles waiting room to be like :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I suppose it's more tragic than funny really. How can people think that it is the norm?!?!? It seems like life is just a waste to some people. :shock:

OMG, so true!! I love SRH too, (i think most Washington peeps go there)they have been brilliant to me...but it is odd when I am waiting in the antenatal clinic, you do see some right sights. You are right, many are more tragic than anything else.
It's why I can't watch a lot of scetch shows....um...like Vicki Pollard sort of suff!! Tragic!!

I seen kids in that waiting room in Burberry trackies wearing gold bling. Little kids :shock:

I know I shouldn't be judging but...c'mon!!!

And.....they asked me if I was a blood relation to my husband?!?!?!? WTF!!! It's on the booking in form..... :shock: :shock:
He sounds lovely :roll:

Some times it makes me feel like i shouldnt be TTC because of my age because people seem to think if your young and pregnant then your a tramp. When i saw my GP over fertility treatment she asked me if i was in a relationship :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Gives teenage parents a bad name!!
jenna said:
He sounds lovely :roll:

Some times it makes me feel like i shouldnt be TTC because of my age because people seem to think if your young and pregnant then your a tramp. When i saw my GP over fertility treatment she asked me if i was in a relationship :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Gives teenage parents a bad name!!

You are right Jenna, it is sad because it does give teenage parents a bad name. I would have be one of the first to whinge about teenage pregnancy a year or two ago, but this forum has taught me that there are lots of young people who have children and are fantastic, caring parents. Age has nothing to do with how good a parent you will be. The problem with this guy and his harem is not age, but the casual attitude they have towards having children. It is so sad because it seems so prevalent where I live. :roll:

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