21 week scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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And 2 days off work.... bonus :cheer:

Plus my mum is coming to visit for 4 days. I cant wait.

Its sad to know that this is gonna be the last time i see LO before the birth.

This pregnancy has gone on forever and im only halfway through :wall:
God I'd love a couple of days off work. Hope you have a lovely time with your mum. But I know how you feel I've only been pregnant for 17 weeks but it feels like 100 times longer. What'll we be like when we hit 37/38 weeks :D

Best of luck with your Scan hun hope you get a good look at LO
just to make you feel better by the time you get to 37/38 weeks youll be ready to kill yourself as you are so fed up. well i am anyway.

but youll get there before you know it and you will realise the time has actually gone quite quick.

becky xx
Hope the scan goes well and you have a lovely few days with your mum. :)


Hope you have a good scan and have a relaxing few days off!!
Cant wait to see pics. :)
Enjoy your scan....I've got another 15 days till mine (21 week scan) so can't wait for that, do you have to pay for pictures with an NHS scan? I'm hearing more and more stories that you do, or that you buy pre-paid tokens for machines etc? Anyone any clues? I'd hate to miss out on the last opportunity for baby pictures!
Me too ! what time is yours? mine is at 1.20, im nervous and excited. Your having a suprise baby arnt you?
Im hopefully going to find out & it seems you guys are thinking boy....
good luck tangerine and duds, hope bothyour scans go well tomora.

and hope you enjoy your time off :cheer:
Thanks everyone :hug:

Duds good luck on your scan too.

Ps my scan is at 1.30 so we'll be in the same time! Dont forget to keep a full bladder :D

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