20 weeks!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Today I am 20 weeks! :) I am so excited and nervous about my scan on Thursday! A bit worried as bump has been a wee bit painful- but more discomfort than pain, but it has me so anxious.....

2 days to go fx
yay! its the best seeing the baby again, i cant believe how big they grow from the 12 week scan!!
Aww good luck will be great seein ur lil 1 again. Got mine nxt tue cant wait lool x
Thanks girls :) I can't wait to see everything is ok and find out if I'm having a boy or girl! It's weird before 12 weeks I kept thinking I'll never make it to tri 2 I convinced myself anything that can go wrong will then having made it to tri 2 I convinced myself I'd never make it to week 20, however I have always felt if I make it to my 20 week scan and all is ok then it's going to be ok..... Weird how the mind works! xxxx
Congrats on 20 weeks hun! Great milestone, look forward to update on thurs! xx
congrats on reaching 20 weeks hun, its nice to know u have reached the halp way point :) even better yu get to see ur baby again too :dance: hope all goes well xx
Congrats on reaching 20 weeks! Hope your scan on Thursday goes well!
furbaby: yipeeee.
im 20weeks tomorrow and scan on fri. exciting.
Congratulations, such an exciting milestone! :yay:
Hey furbaby! I was 20 weeks on Sunday and also have my scan on thurs! Exciting, I'm at 11.10 what time are you? I have had some mild discomfort as well but I'm told they are normal stretching and ligament pains etc. Have you felt any movement yet? I am pretty sure I have been feeling some light kicks just above my bikini line. They can make me jump sometimes and can be a bit ticklish so I just laugh out loud for no reason! I'm dreading going back to work and sitting in Meetings! X
Lots of 20 week bump buddies this week!!!! My scan is at 11.30 :) I have no patience so def going to find out! I have moments when I think I might be feeling movements but then again not sure :/ just wish sickness would ease up now! xxxx

Can't wait to updat you all and for all your updates xxxx
Congrats on halfway! Good luck at your scan. So many milestones in the next few weeks - v-day and then we will be in tri 3 before we know it xx
Congrats on 20 weeks :)

I have my 20 week scan on Thursday too at 8.10 am :)
Congrats when you reach 20 weeks its a big milestone and half way there :D xxx
Woo half way through! :) have fun at ur scan on Thursday xx
woop 20 weeks today furbaby....
u got a bump yet?
I was already bumpy before I got pregnant! Lol :) but hopefully looking more pregnant then fat now! How about your bumpi can def feel top of uterus just above belly button :) xxx
yer i was tubby b4 i got pregnant, (quit smoking last yr and went from size 10 to 14)
i think i still look fat more than pregnant.

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