20 weeks today - but still no movement??


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I'm getting increasingly worried that I am not feeling baby move yet. About 2 weeks ago I felt what felt like 3 bubbles pop in my tummy - very strange - but thought that might be the start. But since then - nothing. Not a thing.

My bump has grown dramatically over the last 10 days, and when I met up with my friend who is 31 weeks yesterday - I looked more pregnant than her!! My bump is sticking right out at the front!

Am I right to be worried? I have my scan on Monday - should I be asking anything?

How are you guys all feeling around the same sort of 20 week mark?

(Congratulations snuggle - you are halfway today too!!)

Piglet xx
Hi everyone is different I am sure you're fine I didn't start to feel my baby until nearly 19 weeks I had a scan yesterday and as my DH hasn't felt anything yet she said it was because my placenta is between me and the baby. She also mentioned that some mums don't feel the baby at 20 weeks and said its just because of where the placenta is or how bubs is lying. If you're worried have a word with your mw she'll be able to listen for the heartbeat and hopefully that will put your mind at rest.
i was 24 weeks with my first hun so dont worry
i was 14weeks 6days when i felt bubble feelings from baby.

think kicks i was 20weeks something like that the kicks i havnt written down. which i had.im sure everythings fine. u need to relax and not worry cause as i keep saying to people the baby feels what u feel. so if u aint relaxed the baby wont be beither and wont show u any signs of their in there. but when u get to about 23/24 weeks and your belly button starts hurting u will know about it cause it hurts :(

kicks feel so good when u can feel em but relax yourself for the next few days or more and see if baby tells u they are still there :)
Hi Piglet - your scan on Monday will show you where the placenta is - as someone said if it's between you & baby you won't feel the movements as much as others. I'm sure you'll start to feel movement over the next few weeks x
I agree with the others. The placenta being anterior instead of posterior is a big reason why a lot of women can't feel their baby until later on. My colleague has an anterior placenta and was getting really worried about not feeling anything until her 20 week scan which clearly showed where it was. And that was what was preventing her from feeling it.

Also, your baby could be facing inwards and therefore not be kicking out at all. If your growing then that's a sign that all is probably going swimmingly so I wouldn't worry.

I do feel mine now, but not all the time and some days very little at all.

I have my 20 week scan on monday too!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!!! Can't wait to hear how yours goes aswell.


I agree with the others... i have had a few movements that i think are the baby but some days nothing and have heard a lot of people say it is later when they start to feel things properly

Hopefully you will be reassured by your scan!!

Nikki x
hun i didn't feel movement till 23 weeks... i was the same getting really paro.... it does sometimes varies from different women

don't worry hun :hug:
Try not to worry, i've felt very little and i found out that my placenta is lying across the front so the MW said its cusioning everything. (what i do feel. feels like bubbles popping) I've had quite a few scans because of some problems and during the scans the baby is moving loads and i cant feel any of it! :wall:

I think we all cant wait to get proper kicks.
Thanks everyone - it will be interesting to see if the placenta is the reason - also when I went for my gender scan at 16 weeks, baby was facing inwards in breech position, so maybe he just likes it that way ??

I'll let you know how it goes, thanks for all your advice :hug:

And KJ - good luck for monday too!!

Piglet xx
I sure everything is fine - and on monday you'll get to see everything to reassure you.
Congratulations on reaching the half way mark!!
Hi Piglet :wave:

I have only started to feel baby recently, like tiny pokes at bottom of tummy :D

Good luck for scan :hug: :hug:
Hi hun

everyone is different im sure somtime within the next month you will feel LO :hug:

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