20 week scan


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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How near to 20 weeks were everyones 20 week scan? Sorry if that sounds like a stupid question but didnt know if they were dead on or could be a week or two either side, I worked out im 20 weeks the 25th april and we're going on holiday on the 5th of may I should have had scan before then shouldn't I? :think:
Mine is tomorrow so I'll be 20+2 with my son it was 19+5 so it can vary. You should have had one by the time you go on holiday though hun.
Mine was at 20+2 and with Nathan it was 20+6. You will probably have had yours by the time you go on holiday :)
Mine was 20+2 (first working day after I hit 20 weeks in fact).
mine is exactly at 21 weeks ( this friday) :cheer: :cheer:
Mines going to be at 22 + 5 :(

I'm bored of waiting now!

Alex xxx
I wasn't suppose to get one for some reason that they wouldn't tell me but I had some bleeding at 19+5 so they brought me in for some tests and a scan. I never got to see much of it and never even got a photo because bubba was upside down and back to front. I've to get growth scans every month now because they found bubba was on the small side so they need to keep an eye on the growth.
ASD123456 said:
Mines going to be at 22 + 5 :(

I'm bored of waiting now!

Alex xxx

oh no how frustrating for you! :hug: but not long now for you! :cheer:
Mine was 20+4 but have heard of some of the ladies on here having them as late as 22 weeks x

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