20 week scan tomorrow...advice needed please


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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having scan at 2pm tomorrow. Already know from private gender scan its a girl. However I am unsure what to do re: drinking. The letter says I have to drink a pint of water in less than 10 mins so bladder is full but other pregnant friends have said it doesnt need to be full as uterus is now above (on) my belly button. i suffer with recurrent UTI'S and my bump is huge so that doesnt help. Can anyone advise please?
Tracy (Scarlett1965) x :?
I forgot to drink any water at mine and it didn't affect anything so I shouldn't think it's a problem if you don't!

Anyway, I hope all goes well tomorrow! I look forward to hearing all about it :D xx
I've read that it's not as important for the 20 week scan as it is for the 12 week one to drink because as you've said you're uterus is already high so you don't need a full bladder to push it up anymore.

If you don't have a drink and it doesn't work then I would have thought the sonographer would send you out to have a drink a drink and call you back in again so I'd go with whatever you feel comfortable doing.

Good luck at the scan....hope it goes ok for you :hug:
As the other ladies have said. Have a lovely day and very best wishes, how exciting!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck at your scan :cheer: Can't wait to see your pictures tomorrow!
They told me to go to the loo so they could press a bit harder because babe was being difficult it didnt make any diffrence good luck for tomorrow! Are you gonna find out?xx

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