20 week scan today!!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2006
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im so excited! im like a big kid!
will be there a couple of hours the mw said because i have to wait to see the consultant after so damon is staying with his grandad!
Why do i have to wait untill 2pm?! i cant wait any longer (yes i am finding out the sex.)

oh and i have a bad cold that just wont go away so any tips on getting rid of the damn thing would be great :wall: :wall:
Brilliant! Hope the time flys today for you! :D
Do hope the scan goes well!

Sorry to hear about your cold. Lots of steam plus making yourself a nice mug of honey and lemon should help. (1 tbs honey, 2 tsp lemon in a mug plus enough hot water to make a mugfull.)
thanks guys - waiting for my shopping at the min - time is dragging!! :shakehead:
will make sure i let you all know as soon as i get back! (dont know what time it will be coz i have gotta go buy something either pink or blue on my way home!) :cheer: :hug: :cheer:

will give the steam thing a try - someone told me you shouldnt use the vicks inhaler thing, does anyone know if there is any truth to that? :think: :think:
A good hot chilli!!! :dance:

Good luck with your scan! I didn't have to see anyone else but the sonographer at my 2nd scan at 20 weeks. At 12 weeks I went into see the hospital midwife afterwards.
Good luck babes. xxx

Let us know if it's pink or blue for you. xxx
Awwwww sarah ive just seen this now i feel bad for not wishing you well earlier, hope it all goes well for you hun, be sure to let us all know how you get on :hug: :hug: :hug:

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