20 week scan this morning


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Yay! It's not as exciting as it could have been as we've already found out were having a girl! But hopefully we'll get a nice shot of her!!!!!

So looking forward to seeing her again! Keep your fingers crossed she's alright! I'll post the pic later!
Good luck Star, hope you get some nice pics :D
Enjoy your scan hun, it will be great to see your little girl again :D

It went fine :)
She's a good size, so no worry yet about her being small like Oliver.

I got a good pic, will scan it in later!

I have another appointment at 24 weeks at the clinic, then I'm back at the hospital at 28 weeks to make sure that there is no issues with the growth because I had IUGR with Oliver and was induced 2 weeks early with him.
:hug: Glad it all went well Star and you got a nice pic of your LO! x
Hope things went well, looking forward to your pictures :D
I'm glad you got to see your little girl, you must be so happy :D
It's a good job we paid for a private gender scan a few weeks ago.
She had her legs crossed while the midwife was trying to have a look for us. Very tightly crossed, almost as if she's saying 'you've looked once, I'm not letting you look again'

lol, she was cute. My placenta is anterior as well, which explains why I'm not feeling that many kicks. Although I think she know's I'm talking about her as she's twitching away in there!!!

Will get that photo up tonight. In the middle of trying to get the ironing done now I've got the boys to bed!!
aw well looks like LO's a modest little lady !!! Bless cant wait for pics, glad everythings ok hun :) :hug:
Oh and a funny thing from my mum, when I told her that baby had her legs crossed, she said 'oh well she doesn't take after you then does she' lol

cheeky moo!
Thats funny about her corssing her legs lol!

Cant wait to see the scan piccie :)


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