20 week scan & pics


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
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OH MY GOD!! How amazing!! We saw her eye lense, nostrils, ears, hands, EVERYTHING!! We we're in there a good 45 minutes!!

She still has the fluid on her head, have another scan with consultant at 24 weeks though. We've been told they are nothing to panic about.

Shes a fidget bt didnt move much, her legs we're streched out loads lol she did look proper chilled haha!! She loves having her hands by her face. She hates being scanned tho hehe.

Im so head over heals in love with her! Shes amazing! SO amazing!!

Anyway meet "Megan"..... thats what we're hping to stick to.........


Aww :hug: the 20wk sacn is amazing isn't it? Sounds like you had a really good look at her, great pics :hug:
awwww congrats im so pleased you enjoyed the scan and the pic is lovely! xx
Gorgeous pics - and so clear - congrats !!! I love the name btw :cheer:
wonderful!!!!!! Was thata private scan because 45 mins is a lovely long time! My 12 wk scan was too short to take in, im hoping the 20 week is longer so i can really get a good look.
Glad all is well and what a gorgeous little girl you have :D hello Megan :wave: xx
congrats hun the piccies are gorgeous, cant wait for my 20 week one now which is at nearly 22 weeks :shakehead: xx
scones said:
wonderful!!!!!! Was thata private scan because 45 mins is a lovely long time! My 12 wk scan was too short to take in, im hoping the 20 week is longer so i can really get a good look.

No nhs one :) They had loads to look at. She has these things in her head that need monitering xxx
awwww sweet pics!!! bet you were over the moon!!!

hope i get as good pics tomorrow!
Hello Megan :wave: Wonderful pictures too.

Now I really can't wait for mine - 18 days to go - and I hope they take a bit longer than my 12 week, five minute, in-and-straight-back-out-again scan :(
Congrats hun :hug:

Lovely clear pictures mine are just a blur lol and a Team Pink member very rare thing around here :D

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