2 under 2 club!!

I miss the days where I could sit around or catch up on housework gradually with 1. Both boys fight sleep so by the time one goes down, the other wakes up!

Great advice ladies! Not long til I join the club eeek!!
I was a member of the 2 under 2 club. Mine are now 3.5 years old and almost 2 years old. I'd say the difficulty level goes up and down - when your youngest is little, you still get nap times to do stuff (with or without your toddler), then when they start crawling or walking you need eyes absolutely everywhere. Overall it does get easier. Now mine are the age they are, they play very well together (with the occasional argument) and can amuse themselves while I do some housework. My daughter no longer has a daytime nap and my son refuses to go to bed at night until 7.45pm, but other than that they're pretty good! They both sleep through the night and have done for ages, and that really helps.
Wow sounds like we have lots to look forward too. I was thinking things will get harder once my baby is mobile but was hoping my toddler would have calmed down a bit by then and stopped climbing on everything!! I've found I can not leave the house in under 15 min with lots of organisation!! Any tips for getting my toddler into the car chair? Flatly refuses takes me ages in the end have to wrestle him in he then spends most of journey trying to remove arms from car chair which means my concentration on the road is taken by wondering what he is up too. Even if I do the. Really tight he wriggles out??
not the same as your own I know, but for 8-10 hours of the day I have an 18mo and a 10mo :) and in 2 weeks time I'll have another 18mo to add to that mix so in January I will have 2x 22mo, 12mo and a new 7.5mo :)

I'm a childminder ;)

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