2 Tests - Different Dates - Pink Line Difference


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Hi ladies...I hope this works this time! I have attached a photo of a test I did when I first got my BFP and one I literally just done. Both from the same pack of cheapies, but the line on the left hand side, which is the control panel, is lighter on the second test than it is on the first! Should I be concerned or am I overthinking things?

Since the spotting I had from 22nd-25th June I've been stressing over everything being okay! My scan is still 3 weeks away! :wall2:

I do still have a clear blue digi leftover as I bought a pack of two the same day just to confirm...should I use it?! x


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I have heard of something called the 'hook effect' when there is lots of hcg in your system it can cause a test to look less positive. If it was me, I would do the clearblue but thats because i am an addict. Maybe save it until tomorrow though. Have you had lots of water to drink? xx
The further you are along, the harder it is for these tests to pick up the HcG levels because your body is just flooded with it. My sister once tested late into pregnancy (she didn't know she was pregnant) and got a false negative for exactly this reason. Turned out she was very much pregnant after all!
Thanks so much for your replies ladies! I feel a bit better about it. Still tempted to do that digital though... :lol: x
How many weeks are u?
What was your spotting like?
I would do the digi but thats just me. Did u do a digi when u first got your bfp? X
Hiya, I'm about 8 weeks 6 days, but could be a little less as I can't remember if my period was ending on 1st of May or just starting. I'd given up hope of conceiving again seeing as it took me about 9 years the first time around and now my daughter is 4 years old this month. So I'd stopped recording my menstrual cycle a few months before I conceived. The spotting was like a dusting of very dark brown blood that lasted about 4 days. I did the digi when I first got my bfp and I'm really tempted to do the other...but I'm kinda scared to if that makes sense...x
Update...I caved and did the digi! I've attached it and it's saying that I'm still pregnant and 3+ weeks like it said when I did the first digi to confirm the cheapie. It's the most weeks it can predict. Soooo...feeling a wee bit better but I swear I will not relax until I get that scan :lol: x

ETA: it won't let me upload the photo...
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Thats a good thing then i wouldnt worry, easier said than done i know!
Good luck for your scan x

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