2 ectopics, and now a threatened miscarriage :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2013
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I don't know how much more I can take! I have had 2 x ectopics this year, I am now pregnant again, but I am bleeding :( I went for a scan yesterday but they couldn't even see a sac. The sonographer did say she saw an area of activity and this could mean that it is just too early, or it could mean that I am losing the baby already. she also said she can't rule out a 3rd ectopic pregnancy. I got my hcg levels measured and I have to go back tomorrow. If the levels go down then that is it, if they go up then I guess I'll go for another scan next week.

I can't relax at all, I've read loads about how bleeding can be normal, but after my previous experiences I haven't got much hope left :(

Also I have been doing clearblue digitals, I got 1-2 weeks a week gone Monday, 2-3 weeks on Friday and again this Monday, then I did another this afternoon and it has gone back down to 1-2 weeks so I definitely think it's the end of my third pregnancy and still no baby for me :(

How many times do I have to go through this?! I'm sick of seeing pregnant people all over the place and wondering what I have done to deserve all of this bad luck, I have wanted a baby my whole life and now it appears I can't have one :(

sorry for the whinging I'm just fed up!

Oh Im really sorry for your losses. One mc is hard enough never mind 3. I hope you get good news tomorrow. Xxx
Thank you. It was bad news, my levels have quartered in 2 days so miscarriage is confirmed :(
So sorry for your news. I have no words of comfort that I'm sure you haven't heard before. I'm going through a similar thing right now - fading lines on hpt / extremely low hcg confirmed by blood test (77.7 at 5 weeks) so I'm anticipating imminent miscarriage but no bleeding yet so just waiting ...
This is my first and Im devastated so I can't imagine how you must be coping with your 3rd. I can only offer my deepest sympathy and say now that you have had 3 m/c make sure you push for fertility testing and help from specialists - it should be offered to you now.
Thank you, it's awful isn't it :( I'm so sorry to hear you're going through a similar situation, I hope knowing you're not on your own is of some comfort. My first 2 were Ectopics so they both have an explanation. for me to get tested for the miscarriage I will need to miscarry again because this is counted as something completely separate to the Ectopics, and therefore it's classed as my first miscarriage and therefore bad luck :( all I can hope is that this is a one off and it'll be ok next time! I'm so desperate for a baby!

I hope that things turn around for you and you go on to have a healthy pregnancy! Are the doctors going to do a repeat Hcg for you to see if the levels are increasing?

They wouldn't unfortunately, but I was in such a state my husband paid for me to have the blood tests privately. I just received the results of my second one and the hcg is going down as I suspected. I've still not had any bleeding but assume nature will take its course once levels are low enough. Although it is devastating to have our fears confirmed I am so grateful that we were in a position to get the blood tests privately. I've been able to have my little grieving process and prepare myself for miscarriage rather than being stuck in limbo clinging to the hope of a viable pregnancy.
I hope yours turns out differently, I know the waiting is the worst. Let us know your results, I'll be thinking of you.
Apologies! I just re-read and realise your miscarriage was actually confirmed. So sorry, I'm right there with you - take comfort that we can conceive naturally and our bodies are willing to give these little beans a chance - we just need to wait for a really strong and perfect one. As hopeless as that seems right now, it will happen for us xxx
Summer, I started bleeding properly today after confirmation yesterday. What were your levels today? mine were 120 yesterday so must be pretty much 0 today. I know what you mean about being glad just to have the answers now rather than clinging onto hope. I totally agree, we need to take away the positives and hopefully next time will be the right time. I'm thinking of you at this awful time and I'm sorry to hear it's not good news for you. I'm glad I knew the bleeding was coming otherwise it would have been so much worse, at least I was expecting it so I'm not clinging to any hope that it will stop or get lighter xx

Thank you baby pickle xx
AWww it's so cruel that after finding out we have to go through such an awful process. I hope physically it's not too bad for you. I take it doctors are happy for you to miscarry naturally? How far along were you?
I'm 5 weeks and 4 days today (though I think the pregnancy stopped progressing at 5 weeks) my levels were really low at 54 yesterday but I'm still not bleeding. Im a bit scared that I won't start on my own and doc will suggest D&C. I didn't think that would be necessary at my early stage but a poor lady on here told me her experience where her pregnancy stopped progressing at 5 weeks but she still carried to 9 weeks before having to have a D&C. So awful.
Cuddle up on the sofa with some good movies and a hot water bottle and I hope it will all be over for you soon. I'm here if you want to chat or simply need to vent.
I was around 6 weeks, yeah they're happy for me to miscarry naturally as long as a pregnancy test reads negative in 2 weeks. I've done one this morning and it's almost gone :( that's exactly what I'm doing, hot water bottles, films and a blanket, I hope you're doing the same. As awful as this sounds I hope you start bleeding soon! I hope it doesn't come to a d&c, I've never had one but I can't imagine it's very nice. Hopefully once your levels totally drop you'll miscarry naturally without intervention. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
Thank you, likewise, if you need someone to talk then I'm here :) xxx

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