2 day headache, any tips?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Hey girls,
I've had a headache that's lasted since yesterday. Have taken paracetamol and drinking lots of water. Any tips on how else to ease the pain? My neck is a bit sore and its sore behind my eyes as well. Ive always been prone to headaches but this is starting to piss me off now! :(

Could be a.change in hormones. Maybe 4head stick to try?? Not much help hun am I sorry x x x

Could be a.change in hormones. Maybe 4head stick to try?? Not much help hun am I sorry x x x

That's ok hun thanks. Just been steaming and that's helping while I'm steaming lol. But when I take my head out the bowl its sore again. Granted its not as bad. Feeling sick now as well. Very annoying got my friends bday meal tonight and I'm really looking forward to it. Hope I feel better!

Could be a bit of a migraine hun....they can hang around for a few days and leave you with that sicky feeling. I think all you can do is rest up, take paracetamol and drink water. I've tried that Forehead stick before - it makes your eyes water like hell but it is quite effective for headaches. Take it easy today hun xx
Thanks hun, I'm going to have a warm shower just now. Can't be bothered going out in the rain to get a forehead stick.
X x x x

Sorry to moan on girls, I'm actually very cheery atm apart from this. Headache died down last night although I took two paracetamol. Didn't wake up with a headache but it started again later this morning. Had more paracetamol and its not doing much. It's still behind my eyes and forehead and neck is a bit sore. Sounds a bit like a tension headache but I don't feel tense or stressed? Never had a migraine before so no idea how they feel. It's more a constant ache than absolute agony but its annoying!
Wondering if I should call midwife for advice tomorrow, really don't want to call though especially for a headache lol. Anyone have any advice?

I would call midwife hun its not getting better lovely x x

Sorry, no advice hunnie but wanted to say I hope it eases off asap and gives you some relief xxxx
My sympathies. I have the same thing right now, a two day headache, along with bad heartburn and backache... it's making me a right moody cow. I am taking paracetamol and 4head stick, both are useless ! :-( x

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