1st midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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my midwife came this morning because my boyf is a complete ass he decided to go out with his mates n play pool rather than come and see me. so here i am with my best mate and shes asking me questions regarding health conditions mine and partners so i ring my partner who gets really peed off with me and tells me he is busy at the mo (yes playing pool) and if i cud ring him bk later. i tell thats not possible and he reluctantly answered yes and no to the questions i asked. my best mate is so peed off with him and now i feel down the midwife must of been thinkin of what the hell she is walking into. but other than that everything was fine she took my blood pressure and a urine sample everything ok x
glad to hear things are ok
i was lucky i no about hubbys family history so dint need him there
manda xx
god almighty. u and him seriously need to talk about this cause if he dont wanna be involved he should of used contraception or hes no good for you and baby.

i hope he pulls his finger out and sees reality. have a good pregnancy and no doubt see u in ask a mum in the future after 9months :)

i check into these tris every now and then see what advice i can give :)

yea i knew my partners history and didnt need him there neither or his family lol

not like his familys a great help anyway. :shakehead: :wall:
i have tried to have an heart to heart with him and iv asked him if hes scared and i told him that i was but no reaction whats so ever. he says hes not scared and hes told me he wants this baby very much. he even was the one to convince me to go through with the pregnancy but hes just blowing hot and cold all the time and its upseting me too much x
maybe hes scared and is just playing it cool not wanting to get to attached incase something happens
men can be funny things
once the bump starts growing and kicking im sure he will be fine they just feel helpless as they cant really go threw it all with you
manda xx
Men are funny things. I think they would much prefer it if we could just get a bump and then have a baby without all the medical bit or any of the mess and detail. Please don't take this to mean he doesn't want the baby, he probably just wants to get on with it without the fuss. No excuse as us ladies have no choice but don't read it as him not being interested. He's just being a little childish.

Glad to hear all went well in your first appointment :hug:
You need all the support you can get right now especially if you do take your little sisters too.

Hope it works out for you :pray:
Some men are really funny during pregnancy! Mine wont let me wee without him being there incase i faint! As for taking a bath he sits at the side of the bath to check that im ok - guess they can go from one extreme to the other!

Hope it all works out well and he gets more involved soon x x x

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